Chapter 18: Jackets (or lack thereof)

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A Few Days Later;

"Alright guys, great practice!" I clapped as Jeremy and I faced the dancers, "See you all tomorrow and remember, we're running through a dress rehearsal on Friday so be prepared. " Everyone dispersed to their belongings while Jeremy followed me to our special area that we kept our stuff. I reached for my duffle bag and water bottle then turned to face him as he did the same. "So I'm going to be leaving early tomorrow so I can get started with the other dance classes with Heather and Colton, you okay with handling things?"

"Oh yeah, it's no problem." He nodded confidently as he dabbed at his forehead with his red towel. I smiled to him then nodded.

"Mkay, well, I'm out now, call me if you've got any questions." I replied as we walked out of the studio together.

"Will do, Brittany!" He chimed with a friendly smile and threw up his hand as he waved goodbye to me then to all the other employees as we walked back to the lobby. Girls were still falling all over themselves when he walked by, but he was never cocky about it, just politely smiled; it gets funnier every time! I went straight for Santana's office and tapped my knuckles at the wood.

"Coming!" I heard her yell from the other side of the door. She pulled it open, revealing her black rimmed glasses to me as she smiled, she must've forgotten to put her contacts in this morning. Surprisingly, it wasn't my fault this time, I left for work before her.

"Not without me, you're not." I teased as I stepped in and looked around, confused as to why she opened the door, she never opens her own door. "Where's Jenna?" I asked as she shuffled back to her desk to gather her papers. Her head popped up so fast she had to push her glasses back up the bridge of her nose to keep them from falling off.

"I sent her home." She shrugged, "She looked like she'd been crying all night long.."

"Awh, you care." I cooed but she just shook her head as she stuffed the papers in her briefcase.

"No, I was just tired of seeing her face. She was killing my mood." She replied quickly as she kept her eyes focused on her desk. I crossed my arms over myself and narrowed my eyes at her until she looked up at me.

"San.." I warned, "You don't mean that." She let out a defeated sigh and smiled up at me.

"Yeah, I might've grown a liking to the" She shrugged, "I can be nice to people."

"I know you can." I laughed as I went to grab her purse and her ja- "San, where's your jacket?"


"Your jacket." I said as I pointed to her empty coat rack, "The one I told you to grab before you left the house this morning?"

"Ohh, yeah.." She sighed then shrugged, "Must've forgotten it.."

"Of course you did." I said shaking my head as I held my hand out for her to take. "I'm gunna start hiding jackets in your brief case, I know you'll never forget that thing." She took my hand happily before sending me an eye roll as we walked out of the lobby and began the walk home. I had my jacket on and even with it on I was cold, so San walking without anything but a blazer to cover her had to be freezing. Of course, she wouldn't verbally admit to being cold, she's just too proud for that. As we walked, I saw the goosebumps form on her tanned skin, yet her facial expressions remained unfazed. She was good at this, really good. "Cold yet?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but she just shook her head confidently. Liar.

"It's chilly but it's not cold." She replied matter-of-factly.

"Uh-huh," I laughed, "That's not why you're shivering and have goosebumps then, right?" She just smiled that guilty grin at me. "You're cold, aren't you?"

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