Chapter 30: Positive Thinking

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I was frozen; the stick still in my hand, Santana staring up at me anxiously awaiting an answer, and my eyes glued to the little screen. This is another one of those moments, like getting married, that changes things, forever.

"Britt." I heard her say, her voice coming out like a whisper, or so I thought. It could've been louder, but I felt like I was a million miles away and not standing right next to her, her body pressing up against mine in effort to get to my level. It was like I wasn't even in my own body but hovering above us, watching everything unfold. I couldn't move, I was just frozen from the shock, or rather, excitement. I couldn't really tell yet. "It's bad, isn't it.." She whispered in a defeated tone, giving up on her task at trying to see over my hand, as her face started to fall and her shoulders slumped. Hearing that tone again was what broke me out of my daze; I couldn't let her feel that this, this miracle, was anything but what she was starting to think.

"Baby." I managed to breath out causing her to quickly look up at me.

"Yes?" She asked, like she was answering me, her eyes glazing over with a new kind of hope. I finally started to regain the feeling and the use of my limbs as I smiled down at her suddenly flooded with happiness.

"No, San, I mean.." I replied, the grin growing on my face, and lowered my hands so she could see the little grey plus sign. "Baby."

"Holy shit." She gasped; staring down at the stick in disbelief as I handed it to her then looked up at me with the biggest of smiles stretching across her cheeks. "I'm pregnant?" I think she meant it as a question, but they way it came out, the confidence and excitement threaded through her tone, it definitely wasn't a question. It was fact.

I nodded, trying to keep from getting too exci-oh to hell with it. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" I yelled excitedly and cupped her cheeks then pressed my lips against hers, smiling greatly into the searing kiss. I felt the slightest of trembles of her bottom lip as I took it between mine and a quiet whimper escape her as I closed my eyes and deepened the kiss. I heard a clatter, most likely the pregnancy test falling to the floor, as her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers lacing through my hair, pulling me even closer to her than I already was. I was so overcome with all these emotions that I didn't know what to do but laugh. "We're *kiss* having *kiss* a *kiss* baby!" I giggled through the many kisses I covered her face in. She was laughing too, her nose scrunching cutely as I pressed my lips to a different area of skin each time.

"Best. Birthday. Present. Ever." She sighed, breathless from all the laughing, and stared up at me with her deep brown eyes filling with love. I gave one last chuckle before resting my forehead against hers; still smiling like my life depended on it. But then my eyes fell from hers to the floor where the pregnancy test was laying. I bent over, swiftly plucking it up, and hugged it. Yes, I hugged a pregnancy test. "Britt!" She chastised through a giggle, "What are you doing? I just peed on that!"

"I don't care." I shrugged through a smile, swaying about with both hands on the stick before raising it above my head. "I want to frame it."

"Oh hell no." She deadpanned, "That's extremely weird."

"No it's not." I argued, spinning around to glare but couldn't because- "San, there's a baby in there!" I squealed and lightly poked at her tummy with the pregnancy test.

"There is," She laughed as she twitched back at the touch, "And baby," she said placing her palms flat against her stomach, "would think it's extra creepy keeping a used pregnancy test, let alone framing it." My heart fluttered at her hand placement that seemed so natural to her already.

"Already using our child against me?" I questioned as I set the test on the sink counter, forgetting about it completely, and overlapped her hands with my mine. "I'm actually not bothered by it." She smirked and rolled up her toes to press a kiss to my jaw.

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