-Chapter One-

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   The blonde let out a small, quiet whimper as he dragged himself from the floor. His entire body ached with every move he made as he limped away from the stairs he was thrown down. He couldn't think of anything except for the pain all over his body that seemed to get worse with each limp. He looked up in fear as the man he called his father slowly walked down the stairs with a familiar metal rod in his hands.

Tears were forming in his eyes as he slowly limped backwards, not knowing where to go or what to do. His dark brown orbs landed on his backpack that he hid behind the coat rack just as his father took another step closer.

"This time.. I'm going to leave you wishing you were dead." His father growled. The blonde was terrified and his flight or fight response kicked in as his father raised the rod and he scrambled out of the way.

In pure fear and adrenaline the injured blonde dashed to his backpack, threw it over his shoulder before yanking the front door open and running out into the pouring rain. He didn't stop and he didn't look back as his father screamed after him. He couldn't go back there, he knew his father would go through with what he said and he was more than terrified. He'd rather run through the pouring rain than get beaten unconscious again.

It was late, the blonde knew that much. He checked his cracked cellphone to see that it was 11:45pm and his eyes widened. He didn't know where he was supposed to go at a time like this or what he would do if someone attacked him. He was scared, and his fear only increased as the pain in his body made it harder for him to walk.

After fifteen solid minutes of limping through the downpour, the rain finally started to ease up. However, the blonde didn't pay too much attention to it as he was already soaked to the bone. He was freezing, his teeth chattering violently as his arms wrapped around his aching body trying to keep himself warm.

He could feel himself starting to regress but used all of his willpower not to. It would be too dangerous for him to regress when he was out in the streets by himself. He kept his eyes trained on the ground as he limped down the sidewalk. He was grateful that his father didn't follow him, he knew he wouldn't. The man didn't care enough to chase after him, probably thinking that the blonde would come running back but he wasn't going to go back. Not unless he was forced to.

Suddenly, the blonde hit his head against what he thought was a wall that wasn't actually a wall and fell backwards, landing on his butt. He let out a pained yelp as he made contact with the ground, the impact sending pain all throughout his body. He looked up and panic filled his wide doe eyes as he saw a man with a pointed chin standing in front of him.

"S-sorry, I'm sorry. P-please don't hit me!" The blonde exclaimed as the man bent down with his hand reaching out so he could help the boy up, however he froze when he heard the panic in the boys voice.

"Chan-ah! I was right! Someone's out here and I think they're hurt!" The man turned and called out as the blonde struggled to move himself away from the man in front of him. Soon enough someone came running over with an umbrella and quickly covered the two boys with it so they weren't getting rained on anymore.

The blonde stared up wide-eyed at the two boys standing over him. The newcomer slowly bent down after the other one whispered something to him and he handed the other the umbrella. He looked at the blonde with a soft smile.

"Are you okay? Do you want us to take you home?" The man asked and the blondes eyes widened even more as he shook his head in a panic. The two other boys shared a look as they saw how genuinely terrified the blonde looked at the mention of having to go to his 'home'.

"It's okay, we wont take you home. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The boy who was standing in front of him questioned and the blonde took a minute to collect himself.

"I-I-I uh I-I'm o-okay." The blonde stuttered and he felt like crying each time the man bent down in front of him gave him a genuine encouraging smile each time he fumbled with his words.

"Are you sure sweetheart? You can tell us, we aren't going to hurt you. We want to help you." The boy bent down in front of him spoke softly. It was dark and raining so they couldn't see the blonde clearly which made it hard to tell if he was hurt or not.

"N-no.." The blonde whimpered in response. The pain was becoming too prominent the more he relaxed and the more adrenaline left his body.

"Changbin, I think we should take him to the hospital." The one bent down said and the blonde panicked.

"N-No! N-No h-hospital.. s-scary.." The two boys looked at the blonde wide-eyed at his outburst as they weren't expecting it. But they saw how genuinely scared the boy looked so they shared a look.

"Well we can't leave you here by yourself." Changbin spoke and the other boy nodded.

"Sweetheart do you have someone you can stay with? Or do you want to come home with us?" The boy in front of him asked softly and the blonde bit his bottom lip.

"I-I-I don't h-have a-anyone.. s-so y-you.." The blonde whispered and they nodded. He didn't understand why, but he felt like he could trust the two boys.

Seeing him struggle to stand up sent the eldest boy into his protective mode and he quickly, but gently wrapped his arm around the blondes waist and helped him walk to his car. When the car lights inside turned on the two boys could see how badly hurt the blonde was. He had small cuts and bruises littering his arms, some on his face as there was a prominent mark of someones hand around the boys neck. He was also concerningly skinny, his eyes and cheeks were a bit sunken in as dark bags settled themselves under the boys eyes.

The boy holding him wanted to let out a noise of anger as he could easily feel the boys ribs through the thin fabric of his sweater. Noticing the blondes shivering he helped him into his seat and buckled him up after placing the boys soaked backpack in the backseat. The eldest got into the front and started the car as the one with the pointed chin sat in the middle with the blonde.

The boy beside the blonde hated the sight of the smaller shivering and grimacing in pain so he took off his jacket and put it overtop of the smaller. Shocked and confused the blonde looked at him.

"I-I d-don't want you t-to get cold because of me." The blonde said trying to push the jacket off of him.

"Don't. Keep it on, you need it more than I do." The man replied and the blonde nodded lightly.

"My name is Bang Christopher Chan but you can call me Chan, the one beside you is Seo Changbin. What's your name sweetheart?" Chan questioned as he peered at the boy through the rear view mirror.

"H-Han J-Jisung." Jisung stuttered quietly as exhaustion started to catch up with him.

"That's a pretty name." Chan said and was about to say something else when Changbin tapped his shoulder as they came to a stoplight.

"He's asleep." Changbin whispered causing the older to look back at the blonde to see that he was indeed passed out.

"How do you think the boys will react when we bring him home?" Chan asked in a whisper and  Changbin let out a small chuckle.

"I don't think they'll be mad. Seeing as this cutie was clearly in need of help and we couldn't just leave him there by himself." Came Changbin's whispered reply. The light turned green and Chan faced the road again as he started to drive.

"I just hope he's okay with having Littles around." Chan spoke mainly to himself but Changbin heard him and nodded silently as he gazed at the small blonde.

If they only knew...

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