-Chapter Seven-

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      The walk to the mall was pretty quick to say the least. Jisung had expected it to be longer, but it was fairly close to the boys house. The building itself was bigger than the blonde had expected it to be, but the blonde hadn't been to the mall since his mothers death. He hadn't been allowed almost anywhere other than school for years. So this was a new experience for him. And a good one at that, at least he hoped so. Jeongin, Felix, and Hyunjin weren't too far behind the blonde as he stopped in front of the mall. He was nervous. And that was understandable. There were going to be many people at the mall since it was a gathering place for most teenagers and well regular people if that made any sense.

The blonde seemed to revert into himself as he stepped closer to Hyunjin and hugged his arm as they walked. Felix and Jeongin grinned as they too hooked arms and made their way into the mall. Like most days, the mall was packed with people laughing and chatting as they went about their days shopping and doing things one does at a mall. The group made their way through the mall, showing Jisung the many different stores and picking up the clothes Hyunjin had purchased for the blonde earlier that morning.

It didn't take long before the littles started to get hungry, and all but begged Hyunjin to take them to the food court to get lunch. And it also didn't take long for the small blonde to become more excited to be there, as Felix and Jeongin were very good at making the blonde feel comfortable and welcomed wherever they went. Which was pretty amazing if you asked the blonde. However, Jisung was clinging almost entirely to Hyunjin as they made it to the food court.

Hyunjin made sure to keep an eye on the littles seeing as Chan and Minho would kill him if anything happened to them. And well, he would beat himself up if any of them got hurt while he was watching them. To be quite honest, Hyunjin was glad that Jeongin decided to tag along instead of Seungmin or one of the others. Jeongin was very protective but he knew to let the littles have fun, because he himself likes having fun. The others, including Seungmin, are very protective and worry a lot about the safety and well-being of the littles, to the point where they hardly let the littles explore.

Felix grabbed Jisung's hand and pulled the blonde to sit beside him as they picked a spot in the food court to sit down. Jeongin and Hyunjin were close behind them, sitting on the opposite side of the table to the two, who seemed to have fallen into their own little world. Hyunjin and Jeongin shared a knowing look as they watched their boyfriend interact with the blonde. It was clear to anyone around them that the pinkette was fond of the blonde, especially with the way he looked at Jisung.

"So, what would you guys like to eat?" Hyunjin asked after letting the two converse for a little bit. Felix looked at Hyunjin and Jeongin before glancing back at Jisung.

"I'm good with whatever Pumpkin wants." Felix smiled as the blondes cheeks were dusted a light pink.

"I uh I don't know, how about tteokbokki?" Jisung replied, he'd wanted tteokbokki for a long time, but his father would never get him some. Not that the blonde expected him to, anyways.

"Alright. I'll go order, Jeongin will get drinks, and Felix will stay here with you." Hyunjin stated as he and Jeongin got up from the table to go order food and drinks.

"How are you liking the mall so far?" Felix asked as the blonde watched the two ravenettes walk away. The blonde met the pinkette's gaze with a soft smile.

"I like it! I haven't been here since I was little. I'm really grateful that you guys got me so much clothes and stuff. I don't know how I could repay you guys. I mean, I could get a job-"

"Sungie, it's okay. We don't want you to repay us. It's like Channie hyung said, just get healthy and be happy. That's all we want to see." Felix cut the blonde off who stared at him with a soft gaze. His dark orbs bore into Felix's who beamed at him.

"Okay.. I mean I can sing and I write songs. I uh I'm not that good but I could always help." Jisung muttered. He understood that he didnt have to repay the boys who took him in and are helping him, but he wanted nothing more than to help them in any way he possibly could.

"That's awesome! I can talk to Channie and Binnie when we get home tonight!" Felix replied with a smile and the blonde giggled lightly.

Hyunjin stared at the two littles as they talked to each other, both smiling and laughing as they stayed where they had been told to sit. Jeongin noticed and smiled a bit as he nudged the taller's shoulder with his own. Hyunjin glanced down Jeongin and kissed the top of his head, just as the server called their order to tell them that it was ready. Jeongin grabbed the drinks, which consisted of two orange juices for the two acting caregivers, a strawberry milk for Felix, and a choco-milk for Jisung. Hyunjin grabbed the food and the two made their way back to the table to sit with their littles.

"Enjoy!" Hyunjin smiled as Jeongin passed out the drinks and the two smiled as they said thank you and began eating.

To say the boys were satisfied with their meal would be an understatement. The food was amazing and they were just happy to be out and about. The rain had kept them in for a while which wasnt something Felix, Jeongin or Hyunjin enjoyed. They loved the outdoors and being outside. Jisung on the other hand, was a homebody. He enjoyed staying inside and reading or writing lyrics, at least that's how he was able to spend his time while his father kept him captive. Being outside made the blonde nervous, it always had, even when he was a little kid. He would only ever go outside if his mother was with him, otherwise he would stay inside and read or write or draw pictures. His mother loved reading and writing, it was her escape and as Jisung grew, it became his way to stay connected to her after she passed.

When the boys finished eating, they cleaned up after themselves and went about their shopping adventures. They visited many stores, picking up some more clothes, and looking for things Jisung would be able to use while in littlespace. To be quite honest, it took the blonde all of his willpower to stay out of littlespace as they roamed the stores looking at stuffies, soothers, bottles, and other items that the blonde had been interested in. After a bit, the group decided to split up in the store to find some things they thought the blonde would like. Jeongin and Jisung walked off together, while Felix and Hyunjin went together, staying in groups of two so they'd be safe. However, Jisung wouldn't feel safe much longer as he turned a corner walked into someone.

Someone he wished he'd never have to see again.

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