-Chapter Eight-

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The brunette froze as he stared at the taller man in front of him. His hands began to shake as he subconsciously reached over to Jeongin, knowing he needed some form of comfort at the moment. But when the taller glared at him, he let go and took a step back, cringing away from the man. Jeongin turned his head away from the display of stuffies to look at the blonde who had begun shaking and trying to make himself look smaller.

"Sungie? Honey what's wrong?" Jeongin asked softly as he stepped slightly in front of the blonde, somewhat blocking the intimidating man from glaring at the little.

"U-Uh.." Jisung couldn't speak, he could barely breathe. The tall man in front of them smirked, he knew the power he held over the blonde.

"Nothings wrong. Jisung was just coming with his daddy, weren't you?" The man spoke in a tone that sent chills down the ravenettes spine. But what scared him more, was the blade hidden in his sleeve. It was then that all willpower went out the window, the blonde was exhausted, scared and so, he slipped.

"I doughn wanna go wiff daddy." The blonde muttered, and Jeongin began to panic.

"You'll do as I say, or you'll be punished. You don't want to be punished, do you doll?" The man replied and the smaller flinched. Jeongin tried to stop the blonde from going with the man but Jisung only pushed him away with teary eyes.

"I haff to go.. I sowwy." The blonde mumbled as tears began to spill. Jeongin watched helplessly as the man roughly grabbed the blondes hand and began pulling him away.
Jeongin knew he couldn't win a fight with someone with a knife and if he wanted to help Jisung, he needed to do something fast.

"HYUNJIN! FELIX! HYUNG!" Jeongin began screaming as he ran around the store trying to find the taller ravenette and the pinkette. Turns out, the two had been in the store over and were quick to find Jeongin whenever they heard him scream.

"Jeongin, what's wrong? Where's Jisung?" Hyunjin asked frantically, trying to stay calm so he could do what he needed to do.

"T-There was this guy and he had a knife and he said he was Jisung's daddy and then Sungie turned little and went with him and I couldn't do anything because of the knife and I'm scared. He was crying Jinnie. I think he's in danger, we need to help him." Jeongin rushed out as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He hated himself. He couldn't believe he had lost the small blonde.

"Cupcake is in danger.." Felix muttered to himself as he looked around the mall, trying to spot the precious blonde he had grown so fond of and much to his luck he did. The blonde was crying while being dragged to the escalators by a dark haired man in a leather jacket. Without thinking, Felix took off sprinting.

"FELIX!" Hyunjin and Jeongin shouted in unison before chasing after the pinkette.

Felix was fast, and made it to the blonde before the man could drag him down the escalator with him. The pinkette lunged forward and grabbed the blondes hand before pulling him out of the man's grasp. Jisung gasped as he stared at the fuming pinkette who was glaring the man down.
The man groaned before turning and smirking at the pinkette.

"Give him back and you won't get hurt. That's all I want, doll." The man sneered and Felix cringed at being called doll. His glare intensified and he pushed the blonde to stand behind him.

"No, he's not yours. Jisungie is mine." Felix spoke boldly, his fear trying to force him to regress but he needed to stay strong for Jisung. He needed to protect him.

"No, that little doll belongs to me. I'm his daddy." The man uttered and Jisung whimpered in fear.

"Wixie I doughn wike daddy." The little whispered into the pinkettes ear and that was all Felix needed to hear. Even little Jisung didn't want to be near this man. Though the way the blonde spoke worried the pinkette, it sounded like he was...

"I swear to god if you don't listen I'll-" The man was interrupted by Hyunjin placing himself between the man and the littles.

"You'll what? Huh? What?" Hyunjin spat, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the man. He was taller than the man threatening his littles, and he knew that the man could take him in a fight, but he also knew something the man didn't.

"Fuck off and give Jisung back to me and I'll leave you be." The man snarked causing the blonde to flinch as Jeongin gently moved Felix and Jisung away from the man.

"No." Hyunjin stood firm. There was no way he was letting that man anywhere near his littles. Not again.

"You're gonna regret that." The man growled as he pulled out his knife and charged at the taller ravenette. Hyunjin dodged the knife and shoved the man away. The man let out a frustrated shout before charging again but this time, he didn't even make it close to the ravenette.
The man suddenly landed on his back with a grunt, his knife sliding away from him as he held his jaw. In front of him stood Changbin, who was reeling back his fist from punching the man to the ground. Chan, Seungmin, and Minho stood along side Hyunjin as they glared at the man on the ground.

"Wow, dollface has made some friends. Don't worry, he won't be a burden on you much longer." The man knew he couldn't take them all in a fight, so he spat his last words before rushing away.

Chan, Changbin, Seungmin and Minho came as soon as Hyunjin sent them the text and he was glad they did. They weren't mad at Hyunjin or Jeongin, since they knew there was nothing Jeongin could have done if the man had pulled the knife out on him. And Jisung was safe, that's what mattered. They were safe.

"I'm glad you texted. You did the right thing, and we aren't angry." Chan was the first to speak as he turned to Jeongin and Hyunjin who were apologizing like their lives depended on it.

"I hate myself. I could've done something!" Jeongin mumbled as tears began rolling down his cheeks, Changbin pulled him into a hug.

"He had a knife. There was nothing you could've done without being seriously hurt. You did the right thing. It's okay." Changbin hushed the small ravenette who only nodded meekly.

"I feewl funny." The blonde spoke through his tears, causing the seven boys to look at him. He was swaying from side to side, and his eyes looked glazed over. Minho was quick to get over to the blonde and hold him steady before his legs gave way. The next thing they knew, the blonde was unconscious in Minho's arms.

"That bastard drugged him." Minho spat through gritted teeth.

"Let's get him home. He needs to rest and he'll be happy to see his new room." Seungmin said softly and the rest agreed, as they began making their way home.

Little did they know, they had just had their first encounter with Jisung's ex-boyfriend.

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