-Chapter Two-

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Chan parked the car in their driveway after they drove through the gate to their home. The brunette quietly got out of the car and made his way over to the blondes side and gently opened the door.

"Bin, grab his bag. I'll carry him inside." Chan whispered and the other nodded, reaching into the backseat to grab the blondes soaked backpack as Chan carefully unbuckled the blonde and gently scooped him into his arms bridal style, laying Changbin's jacket on top of him.

The rain had finally stopped which was a good thing as Chan and Changbin walked up to their front door. Changbin, seeing as he was only holding the bag, opened the door for Chan.

"CHANGBIN AND CHAN ARE HOME! HEY GUYS- Oh, who's this little gumdrop?" The freckled pinkette skidded to a stop as he saw the older boys walk in wet from the rain, one holding a soaked bag while the other was carrying a soaking wet, injured blonde, who appeared to be unconscious.

Upon hearing the question, the four other boys curiously made their way to the entrance and froze when they saw the unconscious, injured blonde in Chan's arms. Chan struggled lightly to kick off his shoes without jostling the blonde and he himself froze when the smaller let out a pained whimper in his sleep.

"I'm going to bring him up to my room, Changbin please explain the situation." Chan whispered before carefully walking up the stairs.

The five boys looked at Changbin as he took off his shoes and locked the door. He motioned for the boys to go back to the living room and they did. Changbin placed the boy's backpack on a heater so it could dry off for a few minutes while he was explaining everything.

"Who was that? Why did you guys bring him here?" Seungmin asked and Changbin sat down on the loveseat with a small sigh.

"On our way to go get some snacks, I thought I saw someone limping in the rain and told Chan to pull over. I got out of the car and walked down the road, which is where I saw that boy. I called out to him but he didn't answer, I don't think he was paying attention and bumped into me. I wasn't quick enough to catch him so he fell." Changbin started.

"I went to help him up but he started apologizing and pretty much begged me not to hit him, so I called Chan out of the car and he ran over to us with an umbrella. We asked him if he needed us to take him home but that idea seemed to completely terrify him so we were going to take him to the hospital but he freaked and said no, that it was scary. So Chan asked if he had someone he could stay with and he said he didn't. He didn't have anywhere to go, he was clearly hurt and exhausted so Chan and I decided to take him home." Changbin explained and they nodded.

"He told us that his name is Han Jisung when we got into the car but then he passed out." Changbin added.

"Poor little bean." Felix uttered with a soft pout on his lips.

"Is he gonna stay with us?" Hyunjin asked, brushing his dark hair back with his hand.

"For now, yes." Changbin replied.

"What if he doesn't like Littles?" Jeongin inquired softly. Changbin sent the younger a small smile.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Changbin said softly.

Meanwhile Chan made it upstairs and brought the blonde to his bedroom seeing as the brunette didn't sleep well that often. Chan gently laid the blonde down on his bed before realizing that if he were to sleep in those soaking wet clothes, he'd get sick. So as much as it pained him to wake the smaller up, he had too.

"Jisung.. sweetheart wake up, you need to get changed." Chan spoke softly and the younger stirred, sitting up painfully and looked around with wide eyes before his dark orbs landed on Chan and he seemingly relaxed.

"I'm going to give you some dry clothes that I want you to change into, can you do that for me?" Chan asked softly and the blonde nodded lightly as his lips formed a small pout.

"I-I w-wanna b-baff." The blonde whimpered lightly and Chan widened his eyes, noticing the change in pitch of the boys voice and how he spoke. oH MY LORD HE'S A LITTLE!

"Alright sweetheart, lets go run you a nice warm bath yeah?" This caused the blonde to make grabby hands at the older who smiled softly and gently picked him up and walked into his ensuite bathroom.

He placed the younger onto the toilet so he could sit down before turning on the water and adding bubble bath into it. Chan let the water run as he quickly rushed into his bedroom and grabbed something for the blonde to wear. The outfit consisted of one of his somewhat oversized black long-sleeved shirts and a pair of dark purple super fluffy and warm pajama pants he'd gotten from Minho on his birthday, a pair of super fluffy warm socks and of course a pair of boxers, he was really thankful he had just bought some that hadn't even been taken out of the packaging yet.

Chan walked back into bathroom to see the blonde staring at the bubbles, his pout still on his face. Hearing Chan walk in, Jisung looked over at him and pouted even more.

"S-Sungie h-has bobo e-ebywhewer." The little whimpered and Chan felt his heart clench.

"I know sweetheart, Channie can make your bobos better, you just need to get a bath first okay?" The little nodded and with great struggle stood up from the toilet before turning to Chan fiddling with his fingers.

"Hewp I is stuck." Jisung uttered as he tried to pull the soaked fabric away from his body. Chan nodded and helped the boy undress as he stared at the ceiling so he wouldn't invade the boys privacy. He only looked back at the boy when he heard the water splash and the small whimper that followed.

"Sungie wikes bubbles." The blonde giggled lightly as his hands came out of the water and started poking at the bubbles that hid him from anyone seeing what was underneath them.

Chan helped the little wash his hair and upper-body before letting the boy wash everything else.

"Sungie, can Channie ask what happened? Why were you out in the rain?" Chan asked and the blonde whimpered thinking about what had happened.

"D-daddy d-doesn't wike S-Sungie. D-daddy gibe Sungie bobos becoz I is wittle a-and m-mommy no stap him." Jisung mumbled as he stared down at the bubbles sadly. Chan felt anger bubble in his chest.

"B-But Sungie w-wan away becoz d-daddy t-twied to h-hit S-Sungie wiff a wod but i-it was waining." Jisung added and Chan was very angry, however he didn't let it show as he could see getting mad around the little wasn't going to do anything but scare him.

"Well sweetheart, you never have to go back there if you don't to." Chan spoke softly as he unplugged the bathtubs drain and wrapped the little in a big fluffy towel. Chan helped Jisung get dressed into the change of clothes he had gotten for him before helping him dry his hair.

The Chan got out his first-aid kit and put a special cream on the boys bruises that would heal them. He also put a band-aid on boys cheek as there was a small cut there, that had been bleeding. He didn't know how he didn't notice it before.

"C-Can S-Sungie s-stay wiff Channie?" Jisung asked as Chan carried him back to the bedroom and placed him on the bed. Chan was surprised at this and it made him smile.

"Of course you can, Sungie." Chan replied and the little gave him a big heart-shaped gummy smile which was honestly one of the most beautiful and cutest things he'd ever seen.

"Thank chu Channie.. Sungie sweepy." The blonde yawned cutely and Chan grinned, tucking the smaller into bed.

"Alright, goodnight sweetheart." Chan said and was about to leave when the younger gently grabbed his hand.

"C-Can S-Sungie h-hab goo-night kith?" Chan cooed at the way the blonde pronounced 'goodnight' and nodded, leaning down and pecking the boys forehead. When he leaned back, the blonde was asleep and he decided it was time to go see the other boys.

And boy did he have news for them.

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