-Chapter Four-

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Minho served breakfast which happened to be chocolate-chip pancakes. Everyone had started scarfing down their food within seconds. While most of them had cleared more than half their plates, Jisung had only managed to force down two small bites. Hyunjin had noticed the blondes struggle and felt his heart clench empathetically.

Jisung looked up confused as his plate was pulled away from him, only to be greeted by Hyunjin's soft, empathetic smile.

"Your stomach isn't big enough to handle so much food. Here, eat this." Hyunjin said as he cut off a smaller piece of the pancake and slid the plate back over. Jisung felt bad that he couldn't eat all the food that was given to him.

"B-But.." Jisung started but Seungmin cut him off.

"Don't worry about wasting food. Chan will eat anything." Seungmin chuckled and as if on cue Chan's fork scooped up a big piece of pancake off of Jisung's plate and stuffed it into his mouth. The action made Jisung smile softly. It made him feel better to know that he wasn't going to be wasting any food.

Even though Hyunjin cut him off a smaller section of pancake, Jisung could only eat three quarters of that before he started to feel sick. Chan pretty much inhaled the rest of what Jisung left on his plate before giving the younger a smile.

When everyone was finished, Jeongin collected the plates and put them in the dishwasher. Jisung however didn't know what to do as everyone started moving out of the kitchen. He stayed in his seat fiddling with his fingers.

"Dumpling!" Felix called as he bounced back into the kitchen, slightly surprising the blonde.

"O-Oh yes?" Jisung stuttered lightly as Felix grabbed his hands and pulled him up.

"When's your birthday?" Felix asked excitedly, the sound of his voice and his smile making the blonde excited as well.

"September 14th. When's yours?" Jisung spoke excitedly as Felix started bouncing up and down.

"My birthdays on September 15th! WHICH MEANS WE'RE TWINS! NOT EXACTLY BUT WE'RE A DAY APART SO WE'RE TWINS!" The freckled pinkette shouted excitedly and the blonde started jumping up and down with him.

"YEAH WE ARE!" Jisung cheered.

"Wanna go play Sugarcane?" Felix asked with a smile causing the blonde to grin widely as well.

"Sure!" The blonde replied.

The six other boys watched with smiles as Felix and Jisung ran by the living room giggling, hand-in-hand. Their laughter could be heard echoing through the halls as Felix all but dragged the blonde around the house.

"Wook dis is Channie and Binnie's studio! Dey make music!" Felix chirped, slipping into littlespace. He pulled the blonde to the sound board. Felix giggled as he pressed one of the buttons creating a knocking sound.

Meanwhile the other six boys were in the living room chatting and watching TV but two of them froze when they heard different sound effects from their sound board go off.

"Shit! THEY'RE IN THE STUDIO!" Chan shouted as he and Changbin jumped off the couch and booked it down the halls. Chan and Changbin were mad, only because they knew Felix pulled pranks on them on a regular basis.

The two boys burst into the office to see Felix spinning around on the spiny chair while Jisung bounced on the couch.

"YAH!" Changbin shouted as they burst through the door, the shout startling both of the Littles. Jisung froze and his bottom lip trembled as Felix hopped off the chair and rushed over to his new friend. Both of them pouting and staring up at the two boys wide-eyed.

"What have we told you about messing around in the studio?!" Chan scolded the two littles, thinking they were still out of littlespace, however he soon found out he was wrong.

"C-Channie i-is s-scawy Wixie." Jisung's high pitched, trembling voice indicated that he was in littlespace and Chan wished the floor would swallow him up.

"Lets g-go somewhewe else Cupcake! Away fwom dah scawy meanies!" Felix's high pitched voice was also an indicator that he too was in littlespace which made the two boys wish they never shouted or scolded the two littles.

Felix pulled the scared blonde out of the studio and back down the hall to the living room.

"M-Minnie! Channie and Binnie wewe b-being s-scawy a-and made Jisungie cwy!" Felix called as he dragged a crying blonde behind him. Almost immediately the other boys were on alert as they noticed that both the boys in front of them were in littlespace.

"What happened Chicky?" Seungmin asked the pinkette who looked like he was about to cry any second too.

"C-Channie a-and B-Binnie s-scolded S-Sungie a-and Wixie f-fowr g-going in dah studio.. dey w-wewe s-scawy." Jisung uttered as he looked up at the slightly taller boy with tears in his eyes.

"Awe it's okay. Minnie is going to scold Channie and Binnie for being so mean, how about you two play on the couch with Innie and Jinnie while MinMin makes you a snack." Seungmin suggested.

"O-Otay!" Felix chirped dragging Jisung behind him to the couch and they both plopped down.

Hyunjin looked at the two littles adoringly before suddenly someone crawled into his lap. He looked down to see Jisung curling himself into a ball on his lap and was staring up at him with a pout and teary eyes.

"J-Jinnie dey scawred S-Sungie.. h-he yelled w-wike d-daddy d-did." Jisung whimpered causing the ravenette to put his arms around him in a hug.

"It's okay baby squirrel. Channie and Binnie would never hurt you, they are just protective of the music they make. I'm sorry they scared you little squirrel." Hyunjin said as the blonde grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers.

Minho came back into the living room with a platter of crackers, cheese, cucumbers, strawberries and a cute little bowl of chocolate to dip the strawberries in. While he placed down the platter, Jeongin walked in with the small tray of drinks which was really just choco-milk for the other two littles and some tea for the others. Minutes later Seungmin walked back into the living room with Chan and Changbin following behind him.

The two boys looked at the two littles guiltily as they watched Felix scoot closer Jisung who was seated criss-cross applesauce in front of Hyunjin eating a strawberry, as he still couldn't eat much.

"Sungie, Lixie." Seungmin called gaining the two littles attention.

"Yesh?" Jisung uttered, his voice somewhat slurred from the strawberry in his mouth.

"Channie and Binnie want to say sorry for what they did, to you both." Seungmin stated and the two littles looked up at the two boys who scolded them, with their wide doe eyes.

"Sweetheart, Sunshine. Channie and Binnie are very sorry for scaring you and for scolding you. We know you didn't mean any harm. We're really sorry." Chan said as he bent down in front of the two littles, noticing how Jisung pushed himself back into the crack between Hyunjin's legs, still scared.

"We promise we will never yell at you guys again okay?" Changbin added and the two littles looked at each other.

"Pwomise?" Felix muttered and they nodded before the two littles held out their pinkies in sync.

Chan and Changbin hooked pinkies with the two boys to seal the deal. And just like that the two littles started playing around again and drinking their choco-milk. Jisung stopped hiding in between Hyunjin's legs too.

"Chan-ah you were right. He is adorable." Minho spoke as they watched the two littles playing around.

"I know."

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