-Chapter Three-

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The group looked up at Chan when he walked into the living room after finally coming downstairs. They noticed that the eldest had a small smile on his face as he walked in and sat down beside Jeongin, wrapping an arm around him.

"How is he? What took so long?" Changbin asked after a few minutes of quiet.

"Well, I woke him up so he could change out of his clothes since they were soaking wet but when he woke up something unexpected happened." Chan stated.

"What was it?" Minho questioned and Chan sent them a soft smile.

"It turns out that Jisung is also a Little. He was in littlespace when he woke up. He wanted a bath so I helped him take one, and patched up his wounds. I also asked him what happened, and oh my god I wish I could find his father and throw him off a cliff." Chan's words came out a groan at the last sentence, finally letting out some of his anger.

"Why? Is he, you know.. abusive?" Hyunjin asked and Chan gave him a slight nod.

"Jisung said that his dad doesn't like him, and gives him bobos because he's a little. He also said his mom doesn't stop him from hurting Jisung. He was out in the rain because he ran away after his dad tried to hit him with a rod of some sort. He might be able to explain it better when he's out of littlespace but god! I got so pissed off hearing that." Chan stated and the others nodded. They understood what that was like, and they were upset to hear that too.

In a way that was sort of how they all came together, because one way or another they were all in bad situations they needed an escape from.

"And oh my god he was so adorable! He asked if he could stay here and I just couldn't say no. So, we have a new roommate." Chan added, earning a slap on the shoulder from Jeongin.

"Yah! What was that for?" Chan exclaimed and the other boys shot him playful glares.

"You called someone who isn't one of your boyfriends adorable." Felix huffed causing Chan's jaw to drop.

"If you had seen what I saw up there! You would think he's adorable too!" Chan retorted causing them all to laugh. You see, the seven of them were all in a relationship. Together. They loved each other equally and had been together for over three years already.

"Well, it's pretty late. I think we should head to bed. And please be quiet going upstairs. Poor thing was exhausted." Changbin spoke and the others nodded, deciding that it was in fact time to go to sleep.

They went upstairs and to their rooms, Chan deciding to sleep in Felix's room with him since he didn't want to bother the blonde in his bed. It didn't take long before they all drifted off to dreamland.


Jisung let out a soft whine as he stretched his sore body waking up. But he froze, he could tell something was off. He wasn't in his room in the cold basement, and he wasn't on his mat that he had for a bed. Instead he was in a decently sized bedroom, on top of what he would describe as the world's comfiest bed, tucked in with the warmest blankets he'd felt in such a long time.

The blonde felt like crying as he remembered the events that took place the night before. He knew he should've taken the 'stranger danger' rule into more consideration but he was too exhausted to do so. He remembered how sweet Chan was to him and his heart fluttered and clenched lightly. It had been so long since he had someone actually take care of him. Especially when he slipped into littlespace.

He didn't know why, but he didn't feel embarrassed for regressing in front of Chan because of the way the older boy treated him when he realized what was going on. Jisung pulled the blankets off his body and noticed that he was in the pajamas Chan gave him last night, causing him to smile. They were warm but they were also pretty big on his small frame, it also didn't help the he was very skinny from malnutrition.

His body didn't ache as much as it did the day before and he was grateful for that since it usually hurt worse the next day. He actually felt better, so much better than he had in the last eight years. Suddenly, the bedroom door opened causing the blonde to jump and stare wide-eyed at the person who walked in.

"It's just me, Jisungie." Chan chuckled softly and the blonde sent him a sheepish smile.

"O-oh hi. I-I-I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to slip." Jisung muttered as Chan walked over with a small frown.

"Don't ever be sorry for being who you are. No one here is going to judge you for anything, ever. Now come with me, let's get you some brekkie." Chan said and the blondes cheeks were dusted with a light pink as he followed after Chan.

Chan noticed that the younger became extra cautious around the stairs and gripped the railing tightly as he took one step at a time. Chan slowed down with him and they made their way down together. Jisung was grateful that the older didn't rush him and instead stayed by his side. It made him happy.

They finally made it downstairs and walked to the kitchen where Jisung could only describe the scene in front of him as chaos.

"YAH! GIVE ME BACK THE TORTILLAS!" The one he recognized as Changbin, shouted at a smiling ravenette who was running around with a bag of tortillas as Changbin chased him.

"JINNIE PUT ME DOWN! I JUST WANTED SOME CHEESE!" The freckled pinkette screamed as he was thrown over the taller ravenette's shoulder and carried around like a sack of potatoes.

"SEUNGMIN- DO NOT MAKE ME GO GET CHAN!" The brunette in front of the stove who was cooking, shouted over the madness causing the other brunette to stick his tongue out at him as he stole another strawberry.

The scene caused Jisung to let out a small laugh and everyone in the kitchen froze. One by one they all turned towards the doorway and looked at small blonde who looked so tiny beside Chan. The clothes he was wearing practically swallowed him. The sleeves of the shirt were way too long and he had made sweater paws with them which he used to cover his mouth as he laughed.

However, feeling so many eyes on him the blonde took a step back and hid himself slightly behind Chan as his cheeks turned red. Chan chuckled at the clearly shy and probably scared boy.

"What an eventful morning. There's no need to be scared, none of us are going to hurt you or do anything bad to you. Okay?" Chan whispered to the smaller who nodded his head lightly and stepped out from behind Chan.

Changbin walked over and gently pulled Jisung to sit down at the table which the younger did.

"So we should probably introduce ourselves, yeah?" The brunette who was cooking spoke and the others nodded.

"Well, like I said last night I'm Bang Christopher Chan." Chan said as he sat down beside the blonde.

"I'm Seo Changbin." Changbin spoke as he sat down on the blondes other side.

"I'm Kim Seungmin." The puppy like brunette stated with a small smile as he sat beside Changbin.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin." The tall ravenette uttered as he sat across from Changbin.

"I'm Yang Jeongin." The shorter ravenette chirped as he sat across from Chan.

"Oh! I'm Lee Felix Yongbok! I'm a Little!" The freckled pinkette cheered as he sat down across from Jisung, which caused the blonde boys eyes to widened lightly.

"I'm Lee Minho." The brunette who was cooking said as he finished cooking and sat across from Seungmin. They would serve food later when it cooled down a bit.

"O-Oh well I'm Han Jisung. I-I'm a Little too." Jisung muttered shyly and suddenly three boys cheered.

"I'm a Little too but I don't regress often so I'm kind of like a caregiver, like Seungminnie. He's a little but he doesn't regress often so he's like a caregiver too." Jeongin said and Jisung nodded with a small smile.

"So Jisung, how old are you?" Minho asked as the blonde looked over at him with his pretty doe eyes.

"I-I'm 18." Came the blondes reply.

"And when you're Little?" Seungmin inquired as the shy boy fiddled with his fingers.

"Uhm usually any age between 1 and 5." Jisung stated after a few minutes.

"Hey! That's just like me Pumpkin!" Felix exclaimed happily causing Jisung to smile at the excited boy.

And with that one smile, the six boys were beginning to realize that when Chan called him adorable, he meant it.

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