-Chapter Six-

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Jisung woke up way too early for any normal person to function. The blonde checked the clock on the nightstand beside Felix's bed and let out an inaudible groan when he read the time; 5:30am. Knowing he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, the blonde carefully and quietly pushed himself out of the pinkette's grasp and replaced it with a pillow before wrapping his arms around himself and making his way out of the pinkette's bedroom.

Jisung was initially looking for Chan, since the older told him that he hardly ever slept properly. Which was concerning but apparently the eldest had been doing it forever so the blonde knew he couldn't change that. So the blonde wondered around the darkened hallways, wondering where Chan would be this early in the morning. However, the blonde froze when the floorboards creaked beneath him and half-expected his father to show up out of nowhere and hit him for making a noise.

"Baby Squirrel, what are you doing standing out there in the dark?" The sudden voice made the blonde jump and whirl around to face the slightly opened door he stopped in front of. He peered inside to see Hyunjin sitting on his bed with his back resting against the dark oak headboard and his phone clasped in his hands.

"Come inside, you don't want to wake the others." Hyunjin said again, quietly and the blonde complied. He gently padded against the floor and into the slightly older boys bedroom, arms still wrapped around his tiny body.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up, Jinnie." Jisung muttered as he stood at the edge of the boys bed.

"Nah don't worry about it. I've been up since 5am, and have been looking at stuff that we can get you while we're at the mall." Hyunjin paused, looking at the blonde with a fond expression. "Do you want to join me? Come sit." Hyunjin added and Jisung didn't complain and crawled onto the bed, almost immediately snuggling into the ravenette's side as Hyunjin wrapped an arm around his waist.

The next half hour was spent with the two boys scrolling through an online shopping platform. Jisung was shocked and in awe at almost everything it had since he hadn't gotten out much. Jisung watched as the slightly older boy scrolled through different articles of clothing and bit his lip lightly when he saw something he really liked. But he was afraid to say something.

Hyunjin noticed the boy tense up under his arm and looked down at the blonde to see him biting his lip nervously.

"What? Do you see something you like?" Hyunjin asked and the blonde nodded lightly.

"You can show me, which one?" The tall ravenette questioned but Jisung let out a small whine.

"It's probably too girly." Jisung muttered and Hyunjin let out a sigh.

"Clothes are genderless. 'Boys' and 'girls' clothes is just a figment of society trying to control people. Now what did you like?" The slightly older boy inquired and Jisung nervously bit his bottom lip as he pointed to a super fluffy, comfy looking oversized hoodie that was a bright shade of pink, kind of like the colour of Felix's hair.

"You know what? I'm adding that to my cart, you're going to look so fucking adorable in that." Hyunjin uttered quietly causing the blonde to blush lightly.

They continued to scroll through online shops and add different clothes to Hyunjin's cart for about another few hours. When the clock struck 7:45am, the blonde had been cuddling against the tall ravenette's side for about an hour now as he watched Hyunjin play some games on his phone.

The atmosphere was calm, and very comfortable if you asked Jisung however that calmness was disturbed by a very worried, freckled pinkette.

"JINNIE! I CAN'T FIND MY LITTLE GRAPE! HE WASN'T IN BED WITH ME WHEN I WOKE UP- Oh." Felix skidded to a stop in Hyunjin's doorway as he laid his eyes on the blond who was cuddled into the slightly older boys side, with Hyunjin's left arm wrapped around him. A faint spark of jealousy sparked in the pinkette's chest as he then proceeded to yeet himself onto the two boys, who let out quiet grunts. Or well, Jisung squeaked.

"Shit! Felix! Be careful, he's still fragile!" Hyunjin scolded the pinkette who pouted as he nuzzled his face against the blonde's stomach where he had laid himself.

"Are you excited to go shopping, Sungie?" Felix asked and Jisung looked down at him and nodded, with his big doe eyes shinning at the pinkette.

"Yeah, Jinnie showed me a lot of clothes and he did this thing where we can buy them online, and then go to the store to pick it up!" Jisung spoke excitedly causing the two boys to coo at him.

Felix, Hyunjin, and Jisung spent the next little while going through all the cute clothes Jisung had picked out for himself and to say Felix was busting a big fat UwU would be an understatement. The blonde's taste in clothes was very cute to say the least, a lot of pastel colours, fluffy sweaters, and onesies too. And if you didn't think that was adorable than they'd consider you insane.

Jisung zoned out as he was getting changed into what he was going to where to the mall. He could feel himself trying to regress but used all his willpower not to. He wanted to seem like a normal person at the mall, not a little. Because even if he shouldn't be, Jisung was ashamed of being a little, but that was his father's fault. No one should be ashamed to be who they are and well, lets just say he didn't want the others to know he was ashamed of it because they were proud of who they were and he didn't want to bring them down.

"You coming Sungie?" Jeongin peaked his head into the room just as Jisung pulled the large sweater he was given by Chan over his head with a small smile. The sweater swallowed his small frame, making him look absolutely tiny and adorable.

"Yep!" Jisung chirped, shaking away the dark thoughts that were trying to penetrate into his mind, and pushing them back for now. He'd deal with them later, but now it was time to have fun.

They were going to mall, no time to be sad.

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