-Chapter Five-

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After a few hours of playing Felix and Jisung took a nap, and when they woke up they were no longer in littlespace. The two laid cuddled up together on Chan's bed for a while as they tried to fully wake themselves up.

"Hey Jisungie.." Felix said softly to the blonde who looked up at him slightly and smiled lightly.

"Hey Lixie." Jisung replied.

"How'd you sleep?" Felix asked as they slowly untangled themselves from each other. Jisung stretched lightly and let out a soft contented sigh.

"Pretty good. It's probably the best sleep I've gotten in years." The blonde muttered, not noticing the pinkette's saddened expression upon hearing that as he got out of the bed.

"That's good. Let's go see the others, shall we?" Felix suggested and the blonde nodded.

Felix too, took notice of how careful Jisung was around the stairs and how hard he gripped the railing. And Felix being Felix didn't like how scared and uncomfortable the blonde looked so he laced their fingers together and held the boys hand.

Jisung looked up at Felix who smiled at him and felt himself blush as he looked away.

When they got downstairs the rest of the boys were in the living room, watching a movie. Seungmin quickly took notice of the two boys and smiled, waving them over. Felix pulled Jisung to sit in the love-seat with him and wrapped his arms around the blondes waist, cuddling him again.

The other boys noticed this and anyone could tell that Felix was getting attached really quickly. And maybe Jisung was too, but they didn't know him well enough to know that.

The two boys stayed cuddled up to each other as they watched the movie that was playing on TV. It was Mulan. Chan and Changbin were laying on each other as Jeongin was squished between Seungmin and Minho. But none of them looked uncomfortable. Hyunjin was laying across the three boys lap and it was like a big cuddle party for them.

"Do you like the movie?" Felix whispered the question and felt Jisung nod against his chest.

"I love Disney movies." Jisung whispered back and Felix let out a small giggle.

"Noted buttercup." The pinkette whispered.

"Why do you keep calling me different types of foods?" Jisung asked quietly and felt Felix's heartrate increase lightly on his back, causing him to smile lightly.

"B-because its cute, and you're cute. Like really, really cute." Felix stated a little louder and Jisung let out a small noise of embarrassment as he covered his now red face with his hands. He was glad that the lights were off so the redness wouldn't be seen as easily.

The other boys noticed this and watched the two fondly as the movie went on. When the movie finished, Chan got up and turned on the light. They stayed quiet for a while, not moving until the six boys on the big couch sat up properly. Chan had decided that it was probably time to clarify what Jisung had said when he was in littlespace. They all knew it could and most probably would be a touchy subject for the blonde so Chan was a little cautious.

"Hey, Jisung. Can I uh ask you something?" Chan inquired and the blonde looked at him with a soft smile.

"You just did." The blonde giggled lightly and the others stifled a laugh. "But yes, go ahead."

"Last night when you slipped, I asked you what happened to you. You said that your dad hurts you because you're a little and that your mom doesn't stop him. So, I was just wondering if you could maybe explain it better now that you're not in littlespace." Chan said and the blonde stiffened. Felix tightened his arms around the blondes waist on instinct.

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