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Fantasies: something we all dream for, a world we create for ourselves to live on. History has been hailed for years and years. One will always find moments where he or she wonders how these legends came to be. Our little fairytales and bedtime stories have a basis in truth, right? Maybe there is, maybe there isn't, but even if there was a truth, everything wouldn't be lighter, filled with rainbows and unicorns. There is a dark side to every reality. Its own dark shadow lurks somewhere in the back of the fantasy, waiting to seize its first prey. It's the same here. There is always a shadow to every light.

Thousands of years ago, there were kings and queens who hailed their kingdoms with joy and pride. Even for them, fairies, dragons were legends or extinct creatures. One has to be extremely lucky to spot one. But, all the stories do not end there. We have to walk past the dark ages those kingdoms brought, the thousands of wars we have passed through to come into this modern earth. We all trace our calls back to those ages. The kingdoms, the lives of kings and queens and their own customs and manners.

If you decide to look past it, just a little more into the history, when the human race was just another small portion from the whole world. Then, you will find what you have been looking for. The earth in its earliest days. Different races living together to bring beauty into the world. Their lives were simple, perhaps. But where there is life, there is greed, there is avarice, there are many dark clouds looming over. Just as that, in this period, where scientists would call the prehistoric era where no written record exists: wars occurred, there was life on this very earth we are living today, but the difference was, humans were not the main race. There were no main races, no solid rulers. Maybe, that's why this story happened this way. But then again, in order to have a story, there needs to be a trigger. The fairy tales we read about are from this age where fairies flew blending with nature. Where mermaids swam across the seas freely. Eldritch, a period of eeriness, uncomfortably weird. We don't know why it's called the Eldritch period, then again, humans have always been scared of what they do not know. This story is set in that period. Ages ago when no records are written because those people lived in the moment. The essence of fairytale.

Ages ago, when the earth was still fresh, it was divided into many races. Creatures who are clearly abnormal, weird, existed in this wide world but they lived in harmony. Among these races, six prominent races divided the space among themselves, bordering their lands and coming to terms to live in their own lands in peace. The lesser races were free to choose where to live, whom to serve. The main races organized their own kingdoms settling into their own lifestyles and habits.

The first race were humans. They formed their kingdoms in the grassy plains. Four seasons each year greeted them with their different aspects. A blissful spring where the crops grew. New buds broke from the flowers in a variety of colours. At this time of the year, the farmers which was the leading class of the kingdom started on with their work. The kingdom was filled with good willed men who supported each other. Greed and avarice, the constant companion of humankind was rare to be seen because they knew in this world filled with other powered creatures. They formed the race with no superhuman abilities. They were normal, and it was tough to survive when you have no powers. The summer brought them endless joys and a good supply of their food. They secured half of the portion to the cruel Winter which soon came to visit them after the lustrous beauty of the Autumn.

As the time went on, people started to get more used to their lifestyles and invented festivals and stories. Scientists were invested in making new weapons that would be useful against the other enemies who were wild and strong. They had the intelligence and the never ending curiosity to try out different things, to find the truth behind the normal scientific areas. This made humans superior to the other races. With time, their power in weaponry and their genius spread throughout the other races who were superior in other ways. The perk was that, they never looked down on humans cause they had weaknesses and many flaws because that made them strong opponents.

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