Chapter 16

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Maya was dozing off herself when Lui rushed into the room. "Maya!" He called out, as the girl gave him a slow smile, tired eyelids fighting against sleep.

"Dad's here," She spoke softly to the child, turning her arm. The child was fast asleep in her hold when Lui walked in and dropped to his knees beside the bed. His violet eyes never left the small frame, so fragile, yet holding a world of possibilities on those small shoulders.

"Hold him," Maya urged.

Lui reluctantly reached forward, the child was still fast asleep when he awkwardly held him close. His heart was overwhelming with pure love for the child, how small he was. This was his creation. This was the child who was going to cling to his arms, this is the child who's going to learn from him, love him like no one had ever before.

"He's beautiful," Lui whispered, quietly placing the child back on the bed in Maya's warmth. "I came back as soon as I-" His eyes stopped on Shu. Still fast asleep on the floor by the side of the bed. His head resting on his folded hands over the bed.

Maya flexed her fingers and reached out to caress his white hair, "He was here the whole time, didn't leave me for a minute. I see it," She said, "Doesn't mean I can accept it, but I do see it, Lui."

Lui nodded, "I know. I don't expect you to be merciful. You're allowed to have your own thoughts. But I just can't send him back like this."

Maya hummed, "So I heard."

The doors burst open with a gust of air. Free smiled walking in with a cheery Valt closely following behind. "Congratulations to the new parents..." His voice droned out, eyes focusing on Shu. "What happened to him?"

"Please," Maya murmured, "Take him to his room? He must be tired."

Valt hopped over to the bed, "Show me! My nephew!" Valt cooed over his soft skin, small hands. Maya didn't trust him enough to hand over the child but Valt seemed content with adoring from the side. Lui didn't want to leave, he hadn't been by her side when she needed him the most. Walking out on her after leaving her behind the whole day felt treacherous. To his immense relief, Free sat beside Shu and tapped on his elbow, calling attention.

His ears flickered once. "Hmm?" Shu blinked out of his dazed sleep, vigilant to the added sounds of the room. "You're back."

Lui smiled, "Yes. Thank you for keeping her company."

Shu nodded, standing. He managed not to flinch when a sharp pain pierced through his back. He inhaled sharply, "Well, I will take my leave now."

That instance the doors slammed open as a woman rushed in, crying out Maya's name as she arrived. "Mother," Maya's soft yet tired smile welcomed her as she was wrapped in a warm hug. Shu didn't want to wait for the hated glances thrown his way, but as he walked out he could feel Maya's father staring into him, his intense gaze scorching his skin.

"There you are," Honcho — still standing guard by the door — said as he stumbled out, Free following close behind. His dark eyes narrowed in worry.

Shu didn't manage to speak, instead rested his palm on the wall, doubling over. The pain was unbearable. He choked back a scream, closing his eyes. "Shu!" Free wrapped his arm around Shu, supporting him before the wolf crumbled to the ground. Shu moaned, leaning against him. Tortured enough to worry about anything else. "Call a me-"

Shu grabbed Free's arm, shaking his head. "No, I'm alright."

"Shu, you're not-"

"Please," Shu heaved, uprighting himself with a wince. "If you can, just take me somewhere I can shift. I just need to change back to the wolf form. This will go away then."

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