Chapter 12

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Shu paced back and forth in front of Lain's room. He fidgeted with his fingers, hand hovering over the door to knock before he retracted it in his hestiance again and again. He sighed, tapping his foot on the ground indecisively before raising his hand to knock when the door swung open. Shu paused, staring right into Lain who raised his brow in confusion.

"Oh, so it was your footsteps I've been hearing for the past twenty minutes."

Shu gave him a resigned smile. "Maybe."

"Are you coming in or?" He gestured at the dingy room behind. Shu nodded, walking into the room as Lain closed the door behind them. Shu took in the neat room, the single candle on the nightstand flickering in fragile warmth. The dark curtains drawn tightly together prohibited the light of the afternoon sun.

"What happened?" Lain asked, crossing his arms over his chest. His golden eyes looked at him in obvious concern. Shu continued his distractive glances around the room. The truth was that he wanted to tell Lain about the incident, the child. It felt like a lie to let him not know about the whole situation. And Shu trusted him.

"I'm pregnant," Shu said, breaking his gaze from the room. "And I might have to leave Solasta."

Lain stared at him in surprise, then confusion overtook his initial surprise before the anger settled in. "What does that mean? You're- You're what?"

Shu winced as his scent rose through the room, cloaking the surroundings. "Listen, it's a long story, and I want you to sit down and listen to me. Can you?"

Lain hesitated, fingers clenching and unclenching in distress before he nodded. "Okay, I can do that." He gestured to his bed, "Tell me what happened."

Shu nodded, following him to the bed and sitting down on the plush mattress. Shu ran his palms on the feather quilt starting from the Vampire experiments to the moments before. Words spilled out of his lips as Shu looked around, dodging Lain's horrored glances that changed into raw fury underneath the candlelight. When he was finally finished, Shu watched as the Young Alpha sat there, collecting himself.

"Why didn't you say something?" Lain's voice was a whisper. "I could've helped you. You-" He swallowed, glancing at his stomach. "A human child?"

Shu unconsciously placed his hand on top of his stomach, looking at his feet. "I couldn't. I didn't want to put you in danger. I-" Lain cut him off as he stood abruptly. Shu followed his actions, frowning as Lain gripped his shoulders.

"What the fuck, Shu? What danger? I could've helped you. Could've faced anything. Didn't you think maybe I'd want to help? I'm not a child anymore."

Shu winced at his strong hold. "Lain, listen-"

"No," He growled, "You listen. Stop suffering all on your own. You-" Shu blinked surprised as Lain choked on his words, gaze dropping to the floor.

"Hey," Shu reached out and cupped both his cheeks, "Don't cry now."

"I'm not crying!" Lain protested, releasing Shu's shoulders as he wiped his eyes, turning away. "I'm just frustrated that you won't let anyone in and ask for goddamn help."

Shu let his hands fall limp by his side, "I will," He said. Lain turned back to him, golden eyes coated with unshed tears. "I'll stop being stubborn, I promise."

Lain narrowed his eyes in suspicion and reluctantly nodded. "I do not trust you."

The albino chuckled, taking Lain's hands on his own. "Aren't you excited though? You're going to be an uncle."

Lain huffed, "Don't change the topic. I'm still mad at you."

"Sure, you are."

Lain rolled his eyes and took Shu in his hands, strong arms wrapping around him in protection. Shu tucked his chin on the crook of his neck, smiling. "Thank you."

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