Chapter 3

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The initial speck of unity they had was destroyed after the conversation they had the night before. They quietly packed up their things before continuing their journey. All the while, Shu didn't speak a word with Haru except for the occasional nods to Valt's questions. Haru glanced at the red-eyed omega from time to time, wondering about ways to mend their broken relationship. Yet, he knew it wouldn't be easy. All his life Shu had lived with everyone around him keeping him away from the truth, the reality. Haru had done the same. He wouldn't be surprised if Shu never spoke with him again. He's no different from others. He underestimated Shu and kept him away from the truth to protect him, not thinking maybe Shu is stronger than that. He can protect himself.

Shu's eyes aimlessly went through the wildflowers and the weirdly twisted trees on their way. After the ghoul attack, they didn't find any harmful creatures except for the poisonous trees and snakes crawling all around. You had to be alert with each step. "You alright?" A voice spoke against his ear. Shu tossed another snake crawled into his path with the aid of a stick and turned around.

Free was walking beside him, his eyes on the path before them, scanning for any danger. "Yeah," Shu answered, breaking his gaze. "I'm fine."

Free hummed, their shoulders almost brushing together. Shu didn't mind the contact. From everyone in the group, only Valt and Free stood up for him last night. He was grateful for their support. "Thank you, for last night I mean"

Free shrugged, "I was just speaking the truth."

"Not everyone does that."

"I think everyone should do that" Free replied, matter-of-factly before crouching down beside a polka-dotted flower that was poisonous. Shu was about to comment when Takeshi's voice rang through them.

"Who the hell stole my dagger?"

They looked at him, frantically fuzzing through his belt. "Did you lose it?" Max asked, peering at him.

"You think? Genius?" Takeshi snapped, scowling. "This isn't the time for jokes."

"I didn't take it!" Max snapped back at him, crossing his arms. "I have better weapons than your kiddie ones."

Honcho snorted, "Your sword is not attached to your belt either Max. Where did it go?"

"What the-" The raven-haired male jumped, looking around. "Who took it!?"

"Hold up" Valt interrupted, "My dagger is missing too. I'm sure I had it when we packed back at the camp!"

Meanwhile, Haru and Lui were standing in front of the group, facing the same situation. "Give it back, you dog" Lui yelled, holding out a sword.

Haru sneered at him, "Mine is missing too. And I'm not a fucking dog. Get the facts right, asshole."

Beside Shu, Free fussed around with his own and let out a relieved sigh when his weapons were all there. The rest had at least one weapon missing. Shu, in fact, didn't use any weapons. Weapon training was only given to Alphas. Shu used his hands to attack the enemies. "Guys, calm down," Honcho said, trying to make sense of the situation. "If we fight among ourselves we won't be able to find the culprit."

"Oh boy," Valt said. It was pure chaos and Free found this whole scenario amusing until he felt someone tugging at his belt. Free instinctively turned to see a small creature with wings. Grinning mischievously at him before grabbing his silver dagger and disappearing into the forest. Free turned to Shu who witnessed the whole scene.

"Pixies" Shu marvelled, his lips quirking upwards to a smile. At a moment of distraction, Free realized it was the first time he had seen the albino smile. "It's a pixie," Shu shook his head.

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