Chapter 14

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The castle was a structure out of a fairytale with tall marble towers and lush gardens. Shu was careful to not trip over his steps as he took the black stone staircase leading to the massive golden double doors which opened soundless to their kings. Maya was nowhere to be seen as they stepped in, Shu slowing his face, awed by the rich architecture, lines of art hanging from the walls. Paintings of dragons in mountain tops covered in pure white snow, elves dancing by a fire, their silky hair glistening under the flames as the starry night sky illuminated over them. Pixies and fairies hiding behind trees, mischievously peering through the secret corners of their leaves. And wolves- Shu stopped. Looking at the golden framed painting hanging in front of him. A majestic wolf, coated in elegant white fur stared back at him from the top of a cliff. The full moon hung behind him like a jewel against the stark black contrast of the night sky.

It was beautiful. He unconsciously reached over to the painting, fingers grazing the glass protection. "Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice said, making him jump.

Shu snapped out and turned to Free. The rest of the group seemed to be nowhere in sight. Shu didn't realise they had walked away. "Yes," Shu muttered, rubbing his elbow, embarrassed. "I guess it is."

"Your wolf form looks exactly like that," Free noted. "And I'm glad I can finally give him a name. I used to hate this painting."

Shu averted his gaze, "Why's it here in the first place?"

"These pictures were hung during the peace council years ago. Lui didn't want to take down something our parents agreed upon. To be honest, I've seen many soldiers scowl as they pass by this. I did too, I don't think I will anymore, though."

"The castle," Shu said, tipping his chin backward as he studied the tall archways in the corridors, overlaid with golden patterns. Glass chandeliers hanging above them, glistening in their crystalised glamour. "It's beautiful." Solasta castle was a brittle thing compared to this, Shu thought. Werewolves never cared much about architecture, rather the security, the result was a ragged stone castle with death traps every step you took.

"Thank you," Free nodded towards the hallway as they continued walking. An occasional maid passed through, bowing at Free and ignoring his whole existence. At least they weren't actively scorning him, that was a relief. "It'll take some time to get used to," Free said, watching Shu staring at the maids.

"It's okay," Shu shrugged. "This was not much different from back home."

Free frowned, but didn't say anything. He reached out and squeezed his shoulder. "Come with me. I'll show you to the guest room. You must be tired."

He was. The long journey had taken a toll on him. And his back had been aching constantly for the past few hours, but he didn't want to complain. He had been given the opportunity to live, there was no way he could ask for anything else. "Thank you," Shu smiled. "I guess I'm a little tired."

Free guided him across another hallway which led them to an open corridor overlooking a garden with circle ponds, each completely covered in red and white lotus. Shu kept his eyes fixed on the small bridges and the benches under the trees he didn't know the name of. Young girls sat on the grass, laughing amongst themselves. "Is the castle open to civilians?" Shu asked, surprised.

"Not always. Sometimes Maya invites young girls from the capital and lets them walk around. Mostly her friends."

One of the girls noticed Free and stood, a hush falling over their singsong chatter. "Your highness," A brunette smiled. "Welcome home."

Free nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you."

Shu noticed her expression turning ice cold as she turned to him. Shu took a step back, intimidated. The girl just smiled at Free again without a word, turning back to the circle of her friends. Free nudged their shoulders together, "Let's go."

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