Chapter 4

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Their journey was one calamity after another. They had to face creatures of all kinds but their memories awakening had shifted something in the group. Valt and Honcho were mostly silent during their cause. Lui ignored Shu at every cost. Takeshi and Max had grown closer to each other than before, almost as if they're relying on each other to share the burden of hatred among them. Haru was the one who connected to them the most. The Alpha male talked with everyone trying to cheer their scattered spirits. Meanwhile, Free and Shu had gotten significantly closer. It was not weird to see them walking beside each other, or staying awake to keep each other company during their late-night watches. They depended purely on hunted animals. It would be a lie if they told you they were pretty comfortable with the way they were living. The squad craved some good food and a comfortable place to sleep and when they found this little town in the middle of nowhere, they were instantly delighted.

"This is weird," Max said as they stood among the trees, staring at the small town. People were walking around freely without any care in the world. The vendors were selling all kinds of things.

"But let's check it out," Haru replied, crossing his arms. "We need a good night's sleep and some good food."

"For the first time, I'm agreeing with the dog" Lui tugged on his sword cautiously looking at the town. Haru was fuming by his side. Lui seemed to get on his nerves each time. Shu patted his arm sympathetically as the White Tyrant led them towards the settlement. When they entered, it was almost as if all the eyes on the city dwellers were on their skin. Their movements resembled those of a predator surrounding its prey. Lui reached for his sword, Luinor while Free did the same. Everyone was getting ready for an attack when the crowd parted ways letting a man walk to them. His long hair was braided into one large braid. His dark blue eyes flicked among them in suspicion.

"Who are you?"

Valt was the one who came forward, "I'm King Aoi Valt from Elysia. We're here on peaceful terms looking for a place to rest, uhh..."

"Ren Wu" The male answered, "You'll have to meet our leader and prove the authenticity of your identities." He gestured at two of the soldiers who came forward, guiding them towards the largest house. It was made of pure wood, the stripes of wood lined perfectly with dead accuracy. They walked inside. The interior was cosy and comfortable. Fresh air rushed in from the open windows. A group of males were sitting in the middle, surrounding one of the largest men Shu had ever seen.

"Whoa" Valt whispered beside him. It was the first time they talked after the incident. "I have never seen such a huge man"

As they arrived, they all stopped talking and turned to them. The man stood up. "Who do we have here?"

Ren Wu shrugged. "Visitors from outlands. Says they are the kings of Elysia-"

The man cut him off, "Wait, you're Valt, right?"

Valt's jaw dropped as he stared dumbfounded at the guy. He nodded, unable to form any words. Free and Lui shared a frowning look. He laughed, Shu almost jumped at the sudden sound. "Man, don't you remember me? I'm Xander"

Everyone watched as Valt's eyes lit up with sudden recognition. "Hold on! Your father worked for my dad! I remember you. But you-" He paled, "The news said your family-" He tried again. Valt turned to Honcho in a swift motion. "I think he's a ghost"

Xander laughed again. Even the others managed soft chuckles. "I didn't die man. Had to be in the hold of Solasta-" He said, throwing a glare at Haru and the others, "But I ran away. We all did. Together. Found a place here and built this town for everyone who had no place to go"

"You should've come back home" Valt sighed, "We would've welcomed you anytime"

"I know. But it will only be a matter of time until they find us again and attack you for stealing prisoners. This was much better"

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