Chapter 17

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Shu was inside his cramped cell, the remenant on last night's dinner still rotting in the plate in front of him. He clutched his stomach, turning to his side and doubling over. He'd forgotten how many times he'd thrown up this morning. In the cell besides him, a fairy screamed, clutching to her dirty blonde hair as a man held her down, injecting her with some clear substance. Shu winced, pushing himself up, his hands slick with his own blood. "My my, we need to get you cleaned." Shu shivered at the voice as Alastor walked in, his pale face serene and adorned with a soft smile despite the stink in the cell, despite he was slipping in his own blood and vomit.

"What do you want?" Shu asked, tired.

"I heard you've conceived," He crouched in front of him, taking his chin in his delicate long fingers. "We cannot let a pregnant omega live in this dump, now can we?"

Shu looked around, trying to comprehend his words. Yes, Shu knew he was conceived. He was not an idiot, the morning sickness, the soreness on his back were telltale signs. He sat down, his eyes perceiving the crew behind Alastor, ready to attack at his command. "Can you..." Shu stopped, frowning. Alastor had always being different, kinder, more attentive but in the end Shu knew his desires lied on the experiments and his body. He winced, "Can I get some water?"

It was a mundane request, but you never really did get anything in here aside from the three basic meals that provided nothing and barely kept them alive. "We'll get you cleaned up first, shall we moonflower?"

Shu winced when his fingers ran down his naked shoulders, "A-alright." He whispered, he didn't have it in him to fight them.

"Can you stand, sweetheart?"

Shu nodded, trying to cover himself the best he could with the remnants of his clothes, now rags, really. But whatever in his kindness, Alastor unclipped his regal crimson robes and wrapped it around Shu. The albino looked up, surprised, "What are you-"

"Let's go."

He placed a hand on his back, guiding him out of the dirty cell towards a marbled shower. Shu stopped, struck by the fresh lavender aroma, the clean marble floor glistening under the candles, a bath filled with fresh water, scented with candles and flower petals waited for him. Tears rushed into his eyes, it had been ages since he was even allowed out of that cell, it had been ages since he'd even seen fresh water. It looked like an oasis, a piece of heaven in this hellish abode. Alastor guided him into the bath and helped him get in. Two maids cleaned his hair, white long locks glistening in their former glory, his ragged, bruised skin was not caked with dried blood. He didn't fight when Alastor dressed him in clean white robes, his fingers intrusively lingering on every curve of his bare skin, lustful eyes percieving him as a toy. Shu shivered when his fingers brushed his neck. "Beautiful," He whispered, "My god, you're a work of art."

Shu was dizzy when he guided him into a bedroom build with the same white marbles, a magnificent bed in the middle decorated with blood red sheets and pillows contrasting against the bleak walls. Alastor pushed him back to the fresh covers and smiled. Shu placed his palms on his chest, in a vain attempt to push him away. "Wait-" He started, "I'm, I can't- I'm" He stuttered when canines sunk into his neck, his other hand grabbing a handful of his hair.

Shu cried out, his eyes glazing over in pain. He grabbed a handful of his robes, "Get off," He whispered, kicking his legs trying to push the vampire off his body. But he knew he left the cell to become something worse. Lords he wished he would die before this man brought hell into himself again.


Shu woke with a start, sweat beading his forehead, screams dying in his throat. He reached for the glass of water, wincing in pain. His back was aching again, a dull ache exemplified by the memories in his mind. Bits and pieces of his missing memories had started coming back since the past two months and he was still not close to discovering what Vampire's had hidden from him. He downed the glass and then the vial of painkillers. He curled into himself, burying his face on his knees, rocking back and forward, listening to the cicadas outside as he waited for the pain to ebb away. The darkness of the room was comforting, but he needed to get out. The enclosed walls were not doing any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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