Chapter 2

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Autumn, my twin sister, and I ran out of school and sat on a bench. CeCe appeared out of nowhere and scared the life out of Autumn.

"CeCe!" Autumn yelled.

Ms. Miller ran to us.

"Ms. Miller, are you okay?" Autumn asked.

"Could you help me with Mindy's detention? She ran away." Ms. Miller mumbled, exhausted.

"Of course." Autumn and I replied in unison.

"Can I help too?" CeCe piped in.

"Of course." Ms. Miller replied, "I need all the help I can get."

We ran to the cafeteria where all of the faculty and staff were looking all over for Mindy.

"Check Times Square." I said to everyone.

We all ran to Times Square as fast as we could. We found Mindy, talking to her boyfriend, John on the phone. We dragged Mindy back to the school. Kailey ran into the room and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Kailey." I said to Kailey.

Autumn's best friend, Ruth, ran into the room as well. Autumn just hugged Ruth until Mindy was once again, strapped to her chair.

I pulled out a homemade whack-a-mole and I banged it on the table so it made a noise.

I looked at Kailey. She held out a thumbs-up to me. I started whacking the life out of Mindy with my homemade whack-a-mole.

"Good job, Summer!" Ms. Miller yelled to me.

"Yeah!" The whole faculty yelled at me.

I just smiled.

This is golden. This moment right here. This moment, I will cherish forever.

I am grinning from ear to ear.

The rest of detention was a breeze.

We left the detention room and walked home. I started reading. I glanced over at Autumn. Autumn was eating Girl Scout cookies the whole way home. We entered our house very dramatically. We acted like pop stars and started singing our favorite songs as we walked into the house, which always annoyed everyone and it was very funny.

"Hey, Mom." I said as soon as I saw her sitting down in a chair.

"Hey kids," Mom replied. "Blake and Joseph have to go with me somewhere. Can you girls take care of yourselves?" "Yesssss!" We both chorused at the same time. We barley ever got to be at home alone. This was going to be fun.

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