Chapter 11

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My shoulders are constantly aching from holding Matthew for the past hour. But, Matthew hasn't woken up yet. I don't know If I'm living out my fairytale. I sprint briskly, trying to find my way out of the forests, taking these, huge, massive steps, around the forests. I constantly take wrong turns everywhere. The dwarf forests are like a massively huge maze. It reminds me of The Maze Runner, a book I read a week before I got trapped in here. Like Alex and Conner. Conner's happy living, dating the real Bree. The real Bree lives a couple blocks away from Conner, going to move into the same college Conner's going to, Princeton University, in just six months.

Before Uncle Robert died, he always told me, "Everyone lives their fairytale. It's just that most people just don't know it."

I will live my fairytale out somewhere. If this is my fairytale, I'm like the prince. Like the feminist. But, will my prince ever appear? I just wonder. I finally remember that I could use my magic tricks. I dig deep into my pocket and look for my wand. I can't find it! Trobella must've stole it! Ugh! I will kill her! I'm so tired, I could die right now. I look for a shelter for just a few minutes. My eyes suddenly land on a long, flat, rock, that could fit my five-foot-six-inch body frame.

"I'm so tired." I mumble as I drop Matthew's body onto the cold, hard, ground, forgetting how much it would hurt him.

I plop down on the rock.

"Summer!" Matthew yells, "Ouch!"

"You're awake." I mumble, laughing.

"You could have just woken me up." Matthew mumbles, "But thank you."

"For what?" I ask, completely baffled by this situation.

Matthew gets up on his feet and takes a couple baby steps towards me.

"Thank you for saving my life." Matthew mumbles.

"No problem. No problem at all. Are you okay?" I ask.

Matthew sits next to me on the big, flat, rock. I smile as he makes the thump as he plops down on the rock. He strokes his jet black hair with his hand.

"I'm fine." He replies, wincing a little, "Until you dropped me!"

"Sorry!" I yell.

I throw my hands in the air as a sign of surrender. Matthew smiles a genuine smile, his perfectly white teeth showing just a little bit, making me smile just looking at him. My messed up flat-ironed long blonde hair suddenly gets in my face. I tuck that hair behind my ears. Matthew looks into my light blue eyes as I look into his dark brown ones. Mathew has olive colored skin and dark brown eyes and black hair. The perfect combination.

"Where to?" I ask.

"You are supposed to escape with me." Matthew mumbles with a stern voice.

I nod. He hope back on his feet.

"Come on, Summer." He mumbles.

I hop back on my feet.

"Do we have to sprint?" I ask.

He laughs.

"You're not a pacifist." He mumbles softly.

I playfully punch him. He playfully pushes me in reply. He starts walking slowly, taking massive steps as he walked. I followed him, taking bigger steps than him because I have a smaller stride than Matthew does. Matthew's six inches taller than me, and has dark brown eyes.

"Prisoners!" Trobella yells, "Do I hear escaping?!"

"Run!" I whisper/yell to Matthew.

We sprint briskly like a cheetah, taking massively huge steps as we go. My adrenaline level is raising higher and higher by the minute. Matthew is a couple steps ahead of me, only by his bigger feet and longer strides. The wind comes from behind me, making my hair constantly rush into my face as I'm running. Matthew grabs my arm and pulls me along, only to make me move faster. I hear Trobella's large stomps, rushing behind us in the background. I hear her army, dropping Trobella's largest and heaviest knives from her knife collection, probably looking for the knife we stole from her. Trobella is probably using her loudest form of walking, stomping loudly, grunting with anger, while taking these massive steps, probably complaining after walking a quarter of a mile. I feel bad for Trobella's army.

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