Chapter Three: Happy birthday Henry

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"Oh, Violet." Henry purrs, making my jump. I hastily spin around to face him. Today is his birthday, and he asked me to join him. I've dressed in a flower print, mostly blue skirt, white tank-top, dark blue cotton jacket, and matching heels. I know his favorite color is blue, so I tried to plan around that.

"I...ahh...hope this is okay," I mutter nervously, my cheeks burning.

"Darling do you have any idea how beautiful you look? I almost don't want to share." He chuckles, stroking my cheek. This only makes my cheeks burn more.

"Just...damn." He adds before taking my hand. He wraps it around his arm and begins leading me.

"Where are we going?" I giggle, more than happy to let him lead. I love spending time with him. We have been talking for almost a month. This will be our fourth time out together. However, he hasn't asked me to date I'm not sure what we are. He is always very kind, calls me darling or baby, kisses my hand, cheek, or forehead; but does that mean we are dating? We haven't kissed since the photo booth.

I giggle as he pulls me into a pub. He hastily orders us drinks and pulls me to the dartboard. Every time we have gone out, we have gone out to a pub and played darts. He has yet to win a game.

"You won't win this time." He purrs, gathering the darts.

"Oh, won't I?" I purr, trying to hide the darker emotions I'm feeling today. I'm normally so excited to spend time with him, but tonight is different. I don't want to be at a bar. I don't want to get drunk just because we don't work tomorrow. I want to be alone with him. I want him to myself.

Before long the game is over. Henry won, by a lot. Though I never missed the board, I never got close to the center. Henry is working on his fourth beer, and I'm still on my first drink. I'm a little over halfway done with it.

"I told you, you wouldn't win." Henry purrs, turning to smile at me. I force a smile, but it fades as soon as he turns away. He clears the board before excusing himself.

"I'll be right back, that beer is going right through me." He chuckles, giving my forehead a quick kiss. I don't watch him leave, instead staring at my hands.

"Uhm, hi." A woman says nervously as she approaches. I look up at her in confusion but don't speak.

"I couldn't help but notice you playing darts with Henry Cavill. Are you his girlfriend?"

"I ah, no. I'm not his girlfriend. Just a friend he likes to get drinks with." I sigh, returning my gaze to my hands. Before long he returns with new drinks for both of us. I mutter a thank you as the woman begins flirting with him.

I watch in wonder as such an incredible man withers. He becomes unsure and hesitant. His voice has become less steady, almost shaky. His cheeks are pink and he appears to be flustered. After some time, she gives him her number and leaves.

"Oh shoot me." He begs as he sits next to me.

"Flirting not your strong point?" I question, surprised by the darkness of my tone.

"I wasn't flirting. I was trying to get her to leave. I thought I turned off her every advance, but she still gave me her number." Much to my surprise, he sticks the balled-up piece of paper in his empty beer bottle.

"Not your type?" I ask as I take a sip of my drunk.

"I'm a one-woman kind of man." He purrs huskily. I nearly choke on my drink, waving him away when he tries to help.

"Come on, play another game with me, please." He begs when I can breathe again. I give him a small nod, struggling to comprehend what he said. His smile beams as he flies from the table. He gathers the darts and gives them to me. Though I'm still not focused, this game goes much better. I win but it's close.

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