Chapter Fourteen: Baby drama

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I stiffen as the bed shifts with someone's weight. However when I hear Kal's tail start wagging, I relax.

"I thought you weren't suppose to be home for a few more days." I giggle as Henry wraps his arms around me.

"Are you disappointed wife?" He purrs, kissing my bare neck. He moans when he realizes I'm naked, cupping both breast in his massive hands.

"No, just surprised, husband. Now are you going to make love to me or let me go back to sleep?" I purr, looking over my shoulder to watch a surprised smile spread across his lips. He growls sexually and kisses me hungrily.

"Please don't squeeze too hard." I mutter when he begins squeezing my breasts.

"That time of the month?" He questions, know how sensitive my breasts get.

"No," I answer simply. He pulls away to give me a confused look.

"Does that concern you?" He asks as he looks my breast over.

"No, most woman experience sore or tender breast when they are expecting."

"Expecting?" He gasps, sitting upright. I nod with a nervous smile.

"I found out yesterday." I whisper as I sit up in bed. I let out a soft hiss as pain shoots through my tailbone. Though it's been months, the pain is still there. It's no where near as bad but still hurts.

"Really, I'm going to be a dad?" He questions as tears form in his eyes. I nod, laughing when he hugs me tightly. I carefully climb onto his lap so I'm not on my tailbone. He kisses me firmly before pulling away to look at my belly.

"How far along?" He asks, smiling up at me.

"About twelve weeks. They said we can hear the heartbeat at the next ultrasound. I scheduled it for the day after you were suppose to return." I watch his eyes light up at the idea.

"Thank you." He whispers, a single tear sliding down his cheek. I quickly wipe it away, giggling when he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." He says again as his arms grow tighter around me.

"Please don't cry. If you start crying I will too." I whisper into his neck. I place a tender kiss as he begins to cry softly.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asks through his happy sobs.

"I was wondering the same thing. Now I know your excited and all, but I'm really tired." I sigh, lifting his face to kiss him. He nods a little as we kiss, laying back in the bed. I give a startled mix of a squeak and laugh before curling up to him.

"I love you, so much." He purrs, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too, so freaking much." I giggle as I kiss his bare chest. He gives a content sigh and falls asleep, hand on my belly. I feel I've finally given Prince Charming his happy ever after, and that makes me happier than ever. I fall asleep in his arms with a beaming smile.

~~Two months later~~

I smile as the ultrasound tech does her job. Henry is holding my hand excitedly. His mother is waiting at the edge of the room.

"I don't know why you are checking the gender, we all know it will be a boy." She sighs as she waits.

"Are you betting on that?" The ultrasound tech asks.

"I am, but my bed is on a girl." I giggle but stop when it makes my belly move.

"Someone owes you money, times two." She says as she takes pictures.

"Times two?" Henry asks in confusion. I look from him to her in confusion.

"Yep, twin girls. Congratulates." She purrs, handing me the stack of pictures. I look them over in shock before handing Henry the stack.

"Twins?" He mutters, a smile growing across his face. His mother rushes over to look them over.

"Looks like you owe me twenty bucks Mum." I giggle and wipe myself off. I quickly get myself sorted and stand.

"Twins." Henry gasps with a laugh. I take his hand and lead him from the room.

"We need to do some serious planning." I sigh as we slip into the car.

"Twins." He laughs as he leans back in his seat.

"Oh twin girls." I give a startled yip when he flies over to kiss my belly.

"I don't deserve you." He mutters into my belly, making me laugh.

"Will you drive? I need some protein." I playfully growl as I shove him off. He pouts a little but does as I ask. His mother laughs before sighing contently.

"You just had to break the streak, didn't you?" She says through her sigh. I just laugh and lean over to rest my head on Henry's shoulder.

"Thank you Henry, for everything." I purr, kissing his shoulder.

"Me? All I did was give some ingredients." He laughs, earning a groan from his mother. I burst out in giggles before looking up at Henry.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He purrs, giving me a quick kiss. I sigh again and just enjoy the moment.

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