Chapter Tweleve: My queen, my superhero, my goddess

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With a heavy sigh, I slip into the house. I'm trying not to be too loud. I'm absolutely exhausted. I left for school at four this morning, now it's nearly midnight. I started taking extra night classes after quitting my job. I need to make up for the classes I failed while I was working.

I flop onto the couch, letting my bag fall at my feet. It makes a louder sound than I'd like. I forgot it had my laptop in it. When Henry found out I didn't have one, he went out and bought one for me. He has gone out of his way to try to help with my schooling. Anything I could possibly need he has gotten me.

My brain hurts tonight. So does my body actually. I've been working out on my breaks between classes. It was Henry's idea. The more I've gotten into shape, the better I've felt.

Today in class, we got to work with veterans. It was absolutely amazing. It was so incredible to hear all their stories and see their scars. That's the whole reason I'm training to be a physical therapist. I want to work with those who gave part of themselves to protect others.

The stairs creak loudly, earning a sigh. I shouldn't have dropped the bag. Henry is slowly making his way down to me. He was obviously asleep before I got home. His hair is a mess and his eyes are barely open. At least he put shorts on.

"Go back to bed, I'll be there soon." I call out, laying my head back on the couch. I have such a massive headache. He continues until he reaches the couch. I can hear his feet shuffling as he barely lifts them off the floor. He crawls across the couch to lay his head on my lap. Both his long legs are hanging over the armrest.

"You should be asleep. You have a photoshoot in the morning." I sigh, sliding my hand through his hair. I slowly comb his hair back as his body grows heavy.

"So do you." He mutters into my lap.

"I know." I mutter, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

"You are going to kill yourself if you keep doing this. You can't survive off four hours of sleep." He sighs as he gets up.

"I don't want you getting hurt or killing yourself." He scoops me up, carrying me upstairs.

"I will because I have to. I'm just glad you were able to arrange everything." I yawn as I snuggle into his chest. I can't help but smile as I slide my fingers through his chest hair. He crawls into bed, cradling me to his chest. Kal doesn't seem to notice. He is sleeping at the foot of the bed like normal.

"It's been almost two months of this. If it keeps going you are going to crash, hard. Just take a break for the holidays."

"I can't. You know November is the hardest month for me. It makes me miss my family. " I whisper as he pulls the covers over us.

"Then why don't we go visit them?" I look up at him in shock.


"Why don't we go visit them? I'd like to meet your mum and siblings."

"For a holiday you don't celebrate?" I question as I wiggle out of his arms. Now I'm looking down at him.

"I do when I'm in America." He mutters, obviously falling back asleep. With a sigh I curl back into him. He opens his arms without question, quickly wrapping them tightly around me. Before long we are both asleep but it doesn't last long. At five, the alarm goes off. Henry reaches over me and turns it off.

"I'm going to jump in the shower and make breakfast. I'll wake you up when it's ready." He whispers, giving my cheek a quick kiss. I groan and desperately try to go back to sleep. I pull the covers over me and cover my face with the pillow. After what only seems like a few minutes, he comes back. I growl a little as he pulls the covers away from me.

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