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Rebekah woke up screaming at 2 am. I ran in there to comfort her. this wasn't the first time that she had dreams with flashbacks in them. I laid with her until the morning, I had to go to the precinct, but i didn't want to leave her. I went in my bathroom and prepared for a shower. I got out, did my makeup, did my hair and went into the kitchen. I saw Rebekah standing there in leggings and a VS pink hoodie with tall black uggs that I got her. She was making pancakes. I walked to her giving her a kiss on her forehead and hopping on the counter next to her.

"Do you wanna come to the precinct today? Im not sure I wanna leave you at hom-"

"Of course I'll come with you!! But under one condition, please promise me that you won't make me go to a therapist or anything for my flashbacks, please im begging you I can't deal with that."

She started tearing up, I pulled her over into a hug, and wouldn't let her go until the bottom side of the pancake was burnt.

"Eh I'll eat it..." I hesitantly said back.

We had a block and a half walk, so I grabbed our North Faces out of the closet by the door, got my gun out of my room, pulled my nice boots on and we walked out.

"Hey mom, can I go see fifty shades of grey?"

I gave this look at her,

"Yea, cause im going to let you go see a movie about sex. Im not that bad of a mother Bekah come on".

We started laughing as we walked up the stairs and went to the elevators. We arrived onto our floor, I was early so only Liv was there,

"Hey Amanda, can I see you in my office? Oh yea, hi Rebekah!"

I walked into Liv's office,

"Amanda, how is she? She seems really shy and you seem out of it, Amanda you know you can tell me."

" The problem is I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone the problem... like what has been going on, and I already almost lost her trust once and im not about to do it again."

"That's fine, did you tell her about what happened to you? I think it would help, especially if she was having problems opening up.."

"She's been extremely shy, like towards me, I guess it's just a phase, but i probably should talk to her about it.. I mean she seems like she's having a tuff time in school too."

"Take her out to eat, then take her home and just talk to her, have an afternoon to yourself and that's an order." Liv said.

I walked out of her office and Rebekah was talking to Fin and organzing my colorful paper clips.

"Sup Fin, Bec lets go, I'll explain on the walk back, we're going to get ice cream." I waved bye to Fin and walked out with Rebekah.

We went to a local ice cream shop and walked back home.

"Rebekah can we talk, I just wanna talk to you about some things..."

"How's school?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Sucks, they all know what happened to me."

I was suprised, I don't know how they would know.

"Mom I have something to show you...." Tears spilled over her eyes as she pulled up her sleeves and I saw what seemed trillions of little lines on her arms.

"Rebekah..." I grabbed her so tight. "Why Rebekah?"

"Don't be mad, please, I didn't know what else to do."

"Come talk to me! Im always here, or just a text or call away when im at work or your at school. Always, im always here."

I laid back on the couch, pulling the tiny 90 pound, 13 year old onto my chest. She rested her head on my stomach.

"Hey can I tell you something?"

"Sure momma what??"

"You know how I worked in Georgia?"

She nodded.

"Well my old dick head of a captain raped me, it took me a long time of pretending it didn't happen, until it surfaced. It was hard, I want you to know, no matter how hard things are, come see me, I regret not talking to someone and getting the asshole arrested. Just please, no matter the circumstance or the problem, come speak to me, I don't want you to have to feel what I did or feel helpless or worthless or lonely."

"I promise I will come and speak to you from now on."

She fell asleep as did I.

A few days later Nick and I were out on a date, Rebekah was at home. Things warmed up real quick. He was walking me up to my apartment when we pressed me against the wall in the hallway and grabbed my boobs and started making out with me. I loved every second. I looked at my watch and it was 2 am. Rebekah better be asleep but I wouldn't be suprised cause it was a Friday if she was still awake.

Nick and I tiptoed into my room and shut the door, we peeled clothes off like petals of a flower. We made out until I felt him enter. Once we were done and we laid there exhausted and panting, I heard the door creep open, I totally forgot my 13 year old daughter was in the apartment.

"Well that's embaressing..." She said and shut the door.

"Shit", I whispered to Nick.

"Hey" Nick gave me a long kiss, "You go handle that and I'll see you Monday morning. Love you babe."

I put some clothes on and went into Rebekah's room.

"EW what the hell was that???"

"Just a little fun", I responded.

"While i was in the house? EWWY!!"

"Sorry baby, it won't happen again."

"I was gonna ask if I could come lay in your room but nevermind I don't wanna be laying on sex covered sheets."

"Let me go change the sheets and I'll even Lysol than you can come in."

"Alrighty I'll help!"

We changed the sheets and fell asleep soon after with her cuddled in my arms at 5 am.

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