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I was so upset when I found out one of us had to quit. I went to Nick's after Liv's.

I walked in with him and before I even sat down i spewed words so quickly.

"Nick you got me pregnant and now one of us has to quit before we both get fired and I need to take care of Bekah now and another baby so I have to stay at this job Nick im sorry but I can't quit or be fired."

Before he had a chance to respond I ran out in tears and spedily drove home and ran up the stairs with Bekah in the kitchen making cereal. I ran in and stood infront of her crying, like I did with my mother when sometging was wrong. She looked at me confused with her big blue eyes.

"Rebekah i made a huge mistake."

She was still so confused but she embraced me in a hug. My head was on her boney shoulder. Nick tried texting and calling until Rebekah took my phone and said sorry we can't talk for a while, but im staying at my job.

She told me to call Liv to secure my spot. She answered my call and I told her that i was staying, she was happy to hear even though after 7 months I wouldn't be on active duty but I would still be in the precinct. During our phone call, Nick came storming through my door as Rebekah and I both screamed at the top of our lungs, minutes later, Liv showed up at my door with her gun drawn and backup.


Rebekah was crying as well as I. Liv escorted him downstairs so he would leave after he calmed him down.

"Amanda..." She came back up and said.

"No just please leave i wanna be alone with Rebekah."

"No Amanda i unfortunatly can't do that. Your not safe right now. I will be reporting this to IAB because if he is going to be violent like this it can't continue to happen because it's compromising you and your daughters safety."

Rebekah was shaking in my arm. Then she whispered in my ear "This is like when I got taken, I can't do this again." She got up and stormed into her room.

"Oh my is she okay?" Liv said with concern.

"No, no she's not and niether am I, thank you Liv for everything, but please, can I please just be alone. I will be in at 9."

She nodded her head and closed the door behind her.

I slowly opened Rebekah's door, trying not to startle her. She was bawling her eyes out in the corner crunched up into a ball. She was threatening o jump out the window. I couldnt help but get upset. I told her we needed to go to the hospital so she would relax. She slowly got up and i carried her. Liv didn't leave yet because she was talking with police that came with her and she saw my carrying her out and ran over to me and i climbed in the back of the police car and she came with me and full lights and sirens all the way to the hospital.

When we got there, they injected her with sedatives and she feel asleep, very quickly. I needed a minute so they assured me that they would keep a close eye on her. Seeing my daughter in restraints and being pumped full of sedatives upsetted me, so even thought it's close to midnight in the middle of the week in the Spring, I walked down to the garden, where a sat and cried. Olivia and Fin managed to find me sitting out there and the came to help me up and take me back upstairs to sit with Rebekah when she needed me most.

"Amanda, it's gonna be okay." Fin whispered as we looked at Rebekah peacefully sleeping.

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