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I was getting ready for work when Rebekah woke up. She slept in my bed last night, well I mean it was like a nap cause she went to bed at like 5 and it's now 8:30. It was Saturday morning, and I figured that she would want to stay home. She walked into the bathroom without realizing a didn't have a shirt on.

"Oh shit mom sorry" she ran back out.

"What the hell did you just say Rebekah??!"

"Sorry it slipped..."

I rolled my eyes and fixed my pants and finally put on a shirt. She walked back in her room to get ready to come with me.

"Hey Becca, im going on a date with Nick tonight, so if we come back, please don't walk in unless it's an emergency."

"Oh so you go on dates daily now? oh and have sex daily now, that's gross but okay. I'll go to my friends or something."

" I can see if Olivia can bring you home then you can go play with Noah?"


She pulled me out the door. Rebekah loves children, especially playing with Noah.

The workday was over and Rebekah went home with Olivia so Nick and I could have some private time.

We went to this Thai restaurant across from my apartment.

After a very delicious dinner, we went back to my hotel room. Nick and i undressed and got into bed. He pulled me ontop of him and we played around for a while. When we were done a realized he wasn't wearing a condom and I got scared but didn't show it.

A few weeks later we were out in a warehouse and I ran out and vomited. Fin came out and held my hair and Nick came and checked on me. Olivia wouldn't let me walk home by myself when I was sick even thought it was only 1 in the afternoon.

I didn't wanna think i was pregnant because it was only one time. But I just let it go and fell asleep. I woke up to Rebekah opening up the freezer so get some food. She made a frozen pizza in the oven and she had that for a snack and dinner. I felt horrible but I didn't wanna show that i was infront of her.

I went back to the precinct and Olivia was furious that i was back. She was the only one there and I asked her if she had a minute and told her how I had unprotected and she knew I got sick and stuff. She recommended that I got a test. I wasn't happy but knew it probably should get a test or two.

I walked to the Walgreens down the street and got a box of pregnancy tests. I figured Rebekah would be either eating, sleeping, or doing her homework. So I went in her room and said hi but she was sleeping with Netflix on, she was watching Greys, our favorite show that we watch every Thursday.

I peed on the little stick, and it was positive. I was sooooo mad at Nick. I didn't know who to call or what to do since my sister is in jail, and I don't talk to my mom at all. I went in a woke Rebekah up because she was the most important thing in my life at the time.

"Rebekah wake up!"

"Mom what??"

"Bec im pregnant..."

"The hell your what????"

"Im pregnant... Rebekah by Nick im pregnant."

"Nice one. Did you call your mom? Him? Liv? anyone or just me?"

"No, your the most important thing in my life right now so I figured I would tell you first."

"It's okay, I mean, now you'll have two children, and I can take care of, umm... it while your working and on weekends".

She rolled out of bed, stood up, cracked her back, and gave me a hug. She pulled me into the kitchen and made me my favorite, Mexican hot chocolate and got the pizza out of the fridge and we ate.

"I'll be back, im gonna go to Olivia's. If you need me call me."

"Um can i come? I don't wanna stay here by myself."

"I would love for you to come, but I think I need to go talk to Liv by myself for a little. Im sorry baby I love you, go watch a movie, bake or something. Be careful if your using the stove or oven or whatever."

Liv was mad when I told her. She told me that this meant that one or both of us had to quit before we got fired.

"I'm This is my pride and joy this job and I am now going to have 2 kids, so it sure as hell better be Nick and it this point I don't wanna see his face."

"Well, once you tell him, which I hope you will do, we will figure it out Monday morning im my office."

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