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I woke up to blood curdling screams. I sprinted into Rebekah's room

"No! Stop! No!"

I shook her until she woke up.

"Your okay mommy has you. It was just a dream. Relax"

"What the hell what time is it." She said with a very shaky voice.

"5:43 and what did you just say?"


I felt her heart beating as quick as possible and her shaking in a cold sweat.

"Do you have something under the sweatshirt?"

"Yes why?"

"Take it off, cool yourself down. Get out from under the covers and i will get you some water. You need to relax. Oh yeah, and were going to your therapist this morning."

"No why?!"

"Because you need to go. Take your sweatshirt off. Do you have some shorts that you can put on? You need to cool yourself down because your so shaky. Heres your water."

"Can you stay here with me? and what time are we going?"

"Absolutely baby, and 9. Go to sleep" I laid there with her for hours.

I heard my alarm go off at 815.

"Come on Becka wake up!"



I ripped the blanket off of her and left her alone to get changed and we were on our way to her therapist.

*Rebekah's POV"

"I will be right out here when your done"

"Okay mom love you!" I responded.

"So Rebekah, your mom called me because you have been having reoccurring nightmares about your assult?"

"Yes i have."

"Do you wanna tell me about them?"

3 hours passed by and i was finally done talking to this lady I barely trust.


"Yes mom can we leave now please. I just wanna go home."

*My POV*

On our walk home, Rebekah seemed upset.

"Whats going on?"

"Nothing. I cannot stand her anymore. I dont want to go back ever. Your my therapist. I want you or Olivia or Fin or someone i know and trust as my therapist."

"I dont know if i can make that happen sweetie."

"Well until it does your my therapist."

We saw Liv on the way out of the building.

"Ill be there in an hour Sarg."

"Your off today, Amanda. Relax. Enjoy!"

When we got to the apartment, she made a beeline to her room and shut the door. I figured I would give her time to relax and unwind until i walked by and heard sobbing.

I opened the door to her squished between her wall and her bed hysterically crying.

"Come out get up"

"I dont like talking to that lady. I dont like going over what happened every time you make me go there."

"I wont make you go anymore if it makes you this upset! Honey you have to bear with me. I have never been a mother before so I am going to make mistakes. I am so truly sorry. How can i make you feel better?"

"Can i have a hug? and can we just relax and watch Disney movies all day?"

"Absolutely" I gave her the tightest hug.

"Put on your pajamas and meet me in the family room."

She smiled as i walked out.

Credit: Thanks for submitting your suggestion lovelyrossette! tried my best to recreate what you commented so i hope you all enjoy!

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