Chapter 5(short): WHAT

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I arrived at home and started thinking about this meeting. I would have to call a sick day. I of course told my brother about this mysterious man, but not what he was.

I wasn't sure if that would trigger him or not.

"WHAT?! You can't just go around trusting random people in an alley. They could've killed you!" He tried to say calmly, but obviously failed.

"But-" He had cut me off before I could speak.

"Look, I'm sorry. But, our lives may be at risk here. Too at risk. We don't want that, right?"

"No, but-"

"So, you would prefer to live in fear," He said. He was angry, I could tell. His breathing got heavy, his face was all clenched up and so did mine.

"I'M DONE DEALING WITH THIS. YOU WANT TO BE IN CHARGE OF ME, FINE!! YOU CAN WANT ALL YOU WANT!" I take a step back and calm my voice,"But, will never have what you want. Especially not if this continues."

That was the first time I had yelled at him in years. That was the first time I had ever been mean like that. I started to think that I'm getting worse bc my fun level is. I wasn't about to let my brother stop me, no matter what.

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