The Long Trip to Japan

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-Y/N's POV-

I watch as we take off from the ground. I wasn't afraid of taking off, in fact I loved it. The feeling wasn't the best, but the view of leaving was really nice to look at.

As we settle in the air, the pilot comes on the speaker and says we can now take our electronic devices out and put our trays down.

I take out my phone, and lucky enough it was a cloudy day. I love taking pictures above the clouds on plane rides, it was just very aesthetic.

I snap a couple pictures and smile at them, they were beautiful. I look back out at the scenery and enjoy it for a couple seconds.

"You like taking pictures of clouds too?" I hear the male say softly. I flinched a little since I didn't know he would've said something. It was Japanese, but lucky enough I knew what he was saying.

I turn and give him a small smile and nod, god his voice was quite attractive too.

He smiles and says, "I couldn't help but notice that, I'm sorry." I go to my notes app and type in 'it's ok, no need to apologize' I do my best to type it in, especially since it's in Japanese.

-male's POV-

As she gets on her phone, I get kind of annoyed. I wonder if she just ignored what I said, I was doing my best to start a conversation. Now that I think about it, I wonder if she can speak Japanese.

She points her phone towards my direction, and I look at it. 'It's ok, no need to apologize' it read. I was confused on why she didn't just speak it, but I didn't want to bug her on her personal life.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Akaashi Keiji." I say. She smiles, she's really pretty when she smiles. Soon after that she looks at the seat, as if she's trying to remember something.

She types back in her phone and when she's done she points it at me.

'Nice to meet you Akaashi-San, I'm (l/n) (y/n). Sorry for the small pause, I speak English but I can also speak Japanese, and I was just remembering the honorifics'

She typed pretty fast for a big paragraph, I was actually impressed, I don't think I could type as fast as that.

I gave her a smile, "Nice to meet you (l/n)-San," I say, "what're your hobbies?" I  surprised myself when I asked, I usually don't talk to people I don't know. But, there was something about her: Iwanted to know her more, she had really beautiful (e/c) eyes, which also made her look more approachable. She's very beautiful too, and in general she seems like a nice person. I think Bokuto would like her if they ever met, but I don't exactly know what she's going to do in Japan.

-Y/N's POV-

"What're your hobbies?" He asks. To be honest I can't even believe we are talking, I never thought he'd talk to me. I got on my phone and typed out how I play volleyball, cook, box, and such.

He reads it when I'm done, and his face turns into a surprised happy face. "You play volleyball too?" He asks. I smile and nod. "I play too, I'm a setter, how about you?"

I type out 'that's really cool! I'm a hitter, actually the ace of my team!' Well I used to be, I'm moving now to be in a better school.'

After he reads what I've typed he smiled. He told me that his best friend was also a hitter, and the ace of their team, and he also talks about his team and teammates. As he continues, I can see how passionate he was about volleyball, it must be quite important to him.

"If you want to tell me, what school are you going to?" He asks. I smile big, the consent he asks is just making my heart melt, it makes me smile too.

'It's ok, you can really ask me anything, and also I'm attending Shiratorizowa as a 2nd year. Can I ask what you are doing?'

He looks at it, and I'm surprised too about how he hasn't asked about why I text in the first place. Usually new people that I talk to already brings it up, but he doesn't, I wonder.

He looks surprised, which causes me to be a little confused. "You're attending Shiratorizawa? Wow I actually know that school," he's says, chuckling a little bit noticing how surprised he sounded, "I attend a school called Fukurodani, it's located in Tokyo"

I nod, indicating that I was actually listening to him, not just staring at him. To be honest I was doing that too, but I was staring respectfully.

"Alright, the flight attendants will be handing out snacks and beverages here in a few moments." The pilot announces. I was pretty hungry, so I was happy to hear that.

After I type in a question, I tap Akaashi's shoulder. He turns to look at me and I hold out my phone so he could read what I asked. I was nervous and contemplating whether or not I should've asked this, but just to heck with it, I did. I asked if I could have his number.

To my surprise and relief, he just smiled and said yes. We switched phones and exchanged phone numbers. I was really happy, my first friend and, surprisingly, it's only been 56 minutes since we've started to talk.

We switched phones back, and after we had done so, the cart of snacks came by. There were 3 choices; crackers, small fudge brittle thingys, and a candy bar.

I decided to take the fudge brittle snack. It looked and sounded good, and I also loved chocolate to the point where I'm obsessed with it.

We also get beverages, so I just chose water. I noticed that Akaashi got the crackers, and he offered to give them to me.

I shake my head and smiled, I didn't want to take his snack, and I didn't know when the last time he'd ate, so I declined it.

"I'm not hungry at all, I actually ate a full meal before we boarded. If I ate something else I don't think my stomach would take it well." He says smiling. I giggle, then I reach over and accept his offer.

After I had eaten, Akaashi was listening to music, or something, I wasn't sure. He just looked relaxed and calm, so I didn't bother to disturb him.

As a matter a fact, I was tired. I decided to get myself comfortable and take a nap, hoping that it would be a long nap to pass time.

I wanted to listen to music, so I grabbed my AirPods and connect them into my phone. I listened to (music artist and/or type). That type of music helps me fall asleep, so after some time, I drift to sleep.


Hey guys, so I've been looking through the story so far and editing some things a whatnot, I decided not to change this chapter bc honestly it would've been a lot I'd have to change 😭

Anyways I've also been getting rid of the a/n's bc wtf was I thinking writing authors notes after EVERY chapter... anyways please bear with these first few chapters and the lack of plot in some ❤️

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