Special Event

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The bell rings, indicating the end of homeroom. I grab my backpack, take out my schedule, and set my eyes on my first period class.

It looks like it's nutrition.

I go to the class number, walk in, and see there are ovens around the room.

"Hello! Please, sit anywhere you see a seat." The teacher greets. I give an awkward smile with a thumbs up.

I walk to the back of the room, seeing a seat right next to an oven. There were some other students in the room too, but they were all up front or on the other side of me.

I then see Shirabu, sighing as he stepped in the class. 'Why didn't he just take me to this class if he had it?' I thought, 'and why did he arrive after me??'

He walks towards the back, giving me a glance, then turns around to the teachers desk.

I assumed Shirabu was telling the teacher about my situation, because the teacher glanced at me and back at Shirabu with an understanding, open mouth, look.

After Shirabu was done, he proceeded to walk back where I'm at, giving me a nod. He took a seat next to me.

As he was taking the same book from earlier out, he says, "I told Ryou Sensei that you prefer not to speak."

I smile, typing in a 'thank you'

Students start packing in more as the bell rang. I turn towards the front, seeing Ryou Sensei stacking some papers. Shortly after, he announces, "Goodmorning everyone! Today's a special day, can anyone guess what it is?"

There were a couple guesses from around the class, "your anniversary?" "It's Monday?" "We're baking a cake today?" And such.

"No" was the only answer he gave.

I typed in my phone, 'his birthday?' And gave it to Shirabu.

He raises his hand, repeating what I typed. Ryou Sensei just smiled, "Correct!"

"So, for the special day, I asked for a special request." He continues, "today, we will be baking sweets, but there's another thing!"

'Gosh I wish he could get to the damn point' I thought. He was making this way too intriguing than it should be.

"Today~ we're baking with a class from the 3rd year!" He exclaims.

There were a couple people with surprised looks, others with annoyance, some not even bothered. I was one of those people.

I look over to Shirabu putting a bookmark in his book. He looks up towards the teacher, putting his head in his right hand.

"They should come in shortly, in the meantime, get a partner," Ryou Sensei instructs, "there aren't many ovens." He left the room after.

I turn to Shirabu as he also turns towards me. I giggle leaves my mouth at the sudden coincidence.

"Stop laughing," he says bashfully. I didn't notice, but his cheeks were tinted a light pink. "Anyways, partners?" He continues. I nod, clearing up my giggles.

Since we were right next to an oven, we decided to stay and work with that one.

"So, how was life at home?" He asks. He did seem genuinely curious, so I decided to type it all in.

'Not much, i liked to cook, and I also worked at a petting zoo. My aunt was a professional boxer too. I got bullied here and there, but it wasn't bad' hesitant, I didn't know if I wanted to add that.


"(Y/N)!" The principal yells. I got off of Mira, who was not in good shape.

Earlier, she landed a punch, straight to my throat. "I'll give you a great reason not to talk!" She exclaimed while swinging. I was just walking past her, ignoring what she said before that.

Apparently, she was fed up with me, so she finally punched me. It took me by surprise. I held my throat, coughing. But even coughing hurt.

I snapped. I threw my book bag, including my book I held in my hand.

I rammed her into the locker, knocking the breath out of her. I take a step back, watching her cough on her knees. I then bend down with my knees and turn her over from her stomach. I continue to get on top of her, punching her throat first, then her face, then one to the stomach.

That's when the principal came to stop us, and when I took a look around I saw some kids gathering and hovering over Mira and I.

I got up, following the principal to his office.

I got a week and a half of suspension. But, Mira only got the rest of the week suspension, which was only 2 days. She also continued to bully me, but only verbally. She never lay a hand on me again.


I decided to just end with 'There were a couple people who didn't like me, but it wasn't anything serious.'

He hums with a short nod.

A few moments pass as I hear a lot of footsteps outside. Ryou Sensei steps in the class, following him was a bunch of students. I guessed they were the 3rd years.

I take a glance over to Shirabu to him giving a small sigh. I didn't know what It was, a sigh of relief? Annoyance? Well, whatever it was, I honestly didn't care.

"And here, is Tsubame's 3rd year class!" Ryou- Sensei announces loudly, my gaze averting back to him.

Why does he make everything dramatic?

I look among the students, seeing Semi and Tendou. I could feel my face heat up rapidly and my heartbeat picking up.

I'm confused as to why I'm reacting this way, I just met him this morning and barely know anything about him.

He sees me looking at him. His expression turns happy with a great big smile on his face. He lifts his arm straight over his head and waves like a little kid. I can't help but and wave back like another little kid.

"Now all I ask from you 3rd years is to find a partner from your own class, then find a pair from mine. This will lead to a group of 4." Ryou Sensei explains.

After explaining some other rules, he lets the 3rd years find their 2nd year partners after they've chose their own.

After they've done so, I glance at Tendou. He's wanting to be partners with Semi, but he's hesitant to agree. Not long after, Semi finally gave in and was paired with Tendou.

He then waves, shouting across the room. "(Y/N)-Chan!! Let's be partners!!" Some people look over towards me and him, and I give out a laugh.

I nod my head yes, waving him over as he visibly puts on a happy smile.

He speed walks over to me, dragging Semi next to him. This is going to be fun.

Interesting, but fun.

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