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A/n: sorry if you're confused on which day it is, I noticed that I never really said, so the day you're waking up to is Monday, the first day of school

-ALSO the school schedule will follow the UA High one, yes Ik different anime but bear w me


*Spongebob Squarepants~* *Spongebob Squarepan-*

I turn off my alarm for 7:30. I let out an airy chuckle and rub my eyes as I sit up. I go over to the closet and search for my uniform. I wasn't used to assigned clothes for school since I went to a public one, so I was quite excited to end the countless times I had to scrap many outfit ideas right before I had to leave.

After buttoning the shirt on, I realize it's a tiny bit to tight around the chest area. The skirt, though, was just fine. I sigh and unbutton one and that helped a lot.

I still didn't like it since it showed some of my cleavage, and I just didn't want to show that. I just decided to quit wasting time and go on with my routine.

I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face, and brush my hair. I curl my eyelashes and put on light mascara, then I remembered earlier that Ushijima told me there is a cafe in the school that I could go in for breakfast.

Some time passes and I start packing my backpack. I don't put too much stuff in, mainly because I'm just going to use my locker. So I put in my desired things and picked it up.

Walking out the door, I made sure to remember my keys and schedule. Reassuring myself that I have those things, I set towards the cafe.


I walk in the cafe and it's half full of students. I look around and see where I get my breakfast. I stop dead in my tracks as I realized something.

I don't have the money.

I groan and my legs stiff up. 'Shit, Im so dumb! How will I make it through the day without money?!' I think to myself.

Since it's 8:01, I decide to wait here until I need to go to homeroom.

I hear my stomach grumble, I sigh. I'm so stupid. I sit down at an empty table and lay my head in my hand.

I decide to listen to some music in the mean time, so I put my AirPods in. I look out the window and decided to watch the scenery while I wait too.

But whenever I went to start the music, I overheard conversation nearby.

"Come on SemiSemi!~" the voice coos, "just play Miss Mary Mack with me! Just once then I'll stop." He whines.

"For the last time stop calling me that!" I heard Semi's voice snap. I smile and take my AirPods out of my ears, putting them back in the case.

"Oh, that's (l/n)-San over there," I heard him say. I froze: he noticed me. I didn't turn around because I didn't want it to seem like I was eavesdropping.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turn to see Semi. I type out something, 'SemiSemi?' I mock with a big smile, trying to hide a small giggle.

"U-uh yeah Tendou just calls me that to annoy me." He says bashfully as he scratches his nape. "Can we sit with you? It's just me, Tendou, Goshiki-kun, and Shirabu." He asks. I nod my head.

He sits down beside me and I look around. My attention goes back to the table as I hear people sit down. I look in front of me and I inhale a tight, sharp breath.

There was a hot rednette in front of me.

I noticed I was staring after he looked at me and grinned. "Like whatcha see~" he says. My heart was running laps. I felt my cheeks redden, though I'm not sure if it was of embarrassment or something else.

"Tendou don't be weird." A blonde boy with bangs going off to the side said, sitting down next to him. He seemed to be invested in a book, and to be honest the cover looked pretty interesting.

Tendou sighs playfully, "Ah whatever, you're no fun Shirabu." I could see Shirabu roll his eyes and continue reading.

I only counted 3 boys, but didn't Semi mention 4? So it's him, Tendou, Shirabu, and um, Goshiki?

"Hey guys!" A boy with a bright smile said quite loudly as he finished jogging up to us. He took a seat next to me.

"Oh, who're you?" He asks. I type and introduce myself. "Oh, nice! I'm Goshiki Tsutomu!" He says excitedly. I didn't know why, but I loved his energy, and I couldn't help but give him a genuine smile.

He smiled too, and oh my he was adorable. "Guess what! I'm going to be the future ace of Shiratorizawa!" He says with such confidence, and just overall excitement.

"Goshiki, calm down, you don't know that yet." Shirabu says, clearly irritated that he can't read his book in peace.

Goshiki's energy quickly died down. I gave him some advice that I remember somebody telling me. I type, 'Believe in what your heart tells you, not what others say'

I admit, it's cheesy, but it felt right.

He reads it and a smile comes back up on his face, but not as big as before. "Thank you (l/n)-senpai." He says, giving me a hug. I was taken aback by his use of upperclassmen manners, but returned his hug nonetheless.

I forgot what this felt like. I guess I haven't hugged somebody in such a long time. I missed the feeling, and Goshiki's hug felt so passionate.

I hug him back catching a whiff of his cologne, and he pulls back. "Oh! I told my friend I'd meet him before homeroom, bye guys!" He says as he gets up and walks away with a wave.

I check the time, 8:16. Oh wow time passed quickly.

"So, tell me about yourself?" I hear Tendou say. I felt my heart skip for a second at the thought of him talking to me. Quickly, I scramble to briefly mention some of my hobbies without mentioning volleyball.

'I cook, box, love animals, love udon, and such. Oh I transferred from the States to here'

I earn a hum and a smile from him. He has his head propped on top of his hands, and it was actually an adorable sight. I ask him a question in return, 'so I hear you play volleyball, what position?'

He answers, "oh I'm a middle blocker, nothing special~" he says as he wiggled his fingers.

There was white tape around his long fingers, proving to me that he was indeed a middle blocker.

I nod with a hum. I then type, 'I should probably go, do you know where Nao-Sensei's class is?' Tendou then points his thumb towards Shirabu, who's surprisingly listening to the conversation.

"He knows, seems like you have the same homerooms." Tendou says with a small smile on his face. I nod my head, and Shirabu gets up. I'm guessing he already heard the conversation.

"Alright, follow me." He commands. I do so and he leads me to the room. I walk in with him and we both take a seat.

Sometime after, the bell rings and it's the start of the school day.

To be honest, I was nervous. I don't know why, I just felt a little dizzy and just out of place.
I actually had a different idea on how you would meet Tendou but halfway through I remembered it. So maybe I'll do it with another character for another book.

-edited (a year or two later and I see I've edited this before: I sucked bruh lol anyways enjoy 😘)

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