love like you</3

826 15 14


the leaves under them crunched as his body fell almost entirely limp, immediately being caught by the other's arms. the wind blew through the dark air, breezing through both of their hair as they slid to the floor, one being cradled in the other's lap as blood flowed from his open wound.

i always thought

"so this is it huh?" he muttered, his hand fluttering to his stomach. "this is how i go."

i might be bad

he laughed, a raspy laugh that brought blood up with it and burned the other's ears. with a stupid grin, teeth blood stained but eyes glassy, he brought a shaky hand up to cup the person's cheek. "i dont mind it though."

now i know that its true

"god- shut up," he mumbled, tears slipping freely from the corners of his eyes. "just shut up." he looked into the boy's eyes, and even under the glassy sheen he could see the ones of the boy he had used to love.

cause i think youre so good

"pandas," at the name he screwed his eyes shut, "look at me. please. let me have this one last thing."

the boy slowly opened his eyes to meet the emerald ones staring back at him with intensity. "dont say that," he whispered, the hand not holding the dirty blonde's head coming up to push the mask off of his head, "dont say it like youre dying."

he laughed again, even more blood spilling from his mouth, "i am dying."

"i dont want you to."

a hand moved to gently brush away a few stray strands of hair from sapnap's face. "its a little too late for that pandas."

"im sorry- god im so so sorry," he started to sob, the hot tears rolling down his face and landing on the other's cheeks.

"sapnap," he pulled the ravenette closer, using the last of his strength to press his forehead against the other's.

"i love you idiot," he breathed, eyes drooping.

sapnap grabbed his wrists, "waitwaitwait not yet- please not yet not yet-"

"just," he paused, a labored breath dragging past his lips, "please say it back. i want to hear it. i need to. please."

"no you arent-"

"please. i," he had to pause again, his eyes fluttering closed for just a moment, a single tear dropping from the corner of his eye, "i want it to be the last thing i hear."

sapnap sobbed, clutching tightly onto the other's wrists. "pl...please sapnap."

and im nothing like you.

"i love you too, dream."

and a soft smile overtook dreams lips for a moment.

then he went slack.

his hand falling from sapnap's face, and his wrist still in sapnap's wrist.

tears dripped onto the blondes still warm cheeks as his last words rang through sapnap's ears.

"thank you pandas."

a bloody sword was slammed on the table, silencing the previous conversation.

"you dont have to worry about him anymore," he growled, eyes covered by his hair.

"fuck you mean? of course we have to worry about dream- hes fucking dangerous!"

"hes fucking dead."

there was silence for a moment.

george was the first to say something. "sapnap you didnt."

sapnap glowered at the brunette. "i did."

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