A Little too Cold

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Mattheo's POV:

I woke up and Evelyn was gone. Surprisingly I didn't wake up on the floor. I walked out of the room and to the the kitchen she wasn't in there. Then I went to the library, nope. Then the living room, the office, the bathrooms, and outside. Nope, nope, nope ,and nope. She wasn't anywhere. I went to the room Pansy and Draco were staying in and as I got to the door it opened and Pansy walked out.

"Hey have you seen Eve?" I asked Pansy.

"No, I thought she was with you."

"She was gone when I woke up and I haven't been able to find her."

I was starting to get worried. It was nighttime now so we were bale to use magic, but so was anyone else in this forest. We got Draco and told him we couldn't find Eve. We started to look around when Draco called for the two of us. I ran over to him and so did Pansy. He was standing in a dark hallway with a broken lock on the floor.

"That's not all." Draco said as Pansy picked up the broken lock.

"Lumos" Draco said with his wand in his hand. When it lit up we could now see a slightly open door on the wall and a crowbar on the floor.

"Eve must have gone down there." I said.

"Or maybe its just a coincidence and she's in the library or something." Pansy said.

I pulled out my wand lighting it and opened the door. It was a narrow and dark staircase. I looked at Draco and Pansy then the door. They must have known what I was thinking Because they both stepped towards the door and looked through it also.

"Is this a good idea?" Pansy asked looking between the two of us.

"Well if Evelyn is down there we have to go get her. What other choice do we have?" I said. And with that we started walking down the steps.

Evelyn's POV:

I walked through the door and it looked like a cleaner version of the room of requirements there was way less stuff. There was on circular table in the center. Black and dark green curtains lined the walls. The room was circular which was weird. I walked over to one of the curtains the walls weren't visible so I pulled the curtain to the side and there was a black wall behind it.

I turned back to the table and 4 chairs had appeared as well as papers in front of each chair with a lit candle in the center. I looked at on of the papers and it read "Mattheo Riddle" what the heck that's strange. Then I went to the one to the right of it. "Pansy Parkinson". "Draco Malfoy". and the last one "Evelyn Pierce". Why would these be here?

All of a sudden I heard a very loud crack sound and all the curtains started falling off the wall. They looked like dominoes falling. On the walls under the written in red ink or maybe it was blood, Evelyn you need to run, get out of this house. Then I saw a figure on the other side of the room. It was hooded and it looked as if black smoke was coming off of it. It started to walk or maybe float over to me. I backed up towards the door and once I got to it I turned around running away from it.

I was running down the hallway I came in, it seemed to be getting colder by the second. After a minute of running I started to see a light in front of me. Then the light went out. It was probably whatever was in the room with me.

I kept running. The figure had looked like it was made of smoke so I could probably run through it. I ran faster preparing myself. All of a sudden I hit something hard falling backwards. The light came back on and it was Mattheo I had run into.

"Eve are you ok?" he asked helping me up.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked them.

"We came looking for you." Pansy said coming from beside Mattheo.

"We need to get out of here now!" I yelled at the looking back behind me

. "Why what's wrong?" Mattheo asked.

"Somethings down here I don't know what but we need to run."

Out of nowhere we heard a hissing sound the sounded not too far away from us. "Evelynnnn". We all started running after a few minutes of running we finally got the the staircase. Pansy went first then Draco, me and Mattheo. We got to the top and slammed the door shut. The door disappeared.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Draco yelled.

"I don't know." I said back.

"Why did you go down there Eve?" Mattheo asked.

"I thought it would lead me to something about my father and where he went."

"Well what did you find?" Pansy asked.

I told them about the door and how I pricked my finger. And then the room and the curtains. The table and the writing on the wall, then about the figure.

"Holy shit Eve." Draco said.

"You said the room looked like the room of requirements." Mattheo said.

"Yes but it was a lot smaller, I just had the feeling they were some how connected."

"How did they know we were all here?" Pansy asked.

"I don't know but we should probably leave." I said.

We all connected hands then Draco said something and all of a sudden everything went white. When I opened my eyes we were back at Hogwarts.

"What's the date" Mattheo asked.

"Uhh Id guess the 30th." I replied.

"School starts in two days then." Pansy said.

We walked into the school and went to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"My what has happened to the four of you?" He asked when we walked in.

"Just a little trouble getting here, were fine sir." I said.

"Is there any way we can get into our dorms today?" I asked.

"Yes of course, Ms. Pierce you will be in the same dorm as last year and Ms. Parkinson will be in the same dorm as you. Mr. Malfoy you will also be in the same dorm as last year and Mr. Riddle you will be in the dorm with him."

We all thanked him then went to our dorms. Somehow all of our suit cases and cloths were already in the dorms as well as fresh new uniforms on our beds. I showered and then went to my bed. I was so exhausted from what had happened these past few weeks. After all that had happened somehow the only thing I could think about was Mattheo. How he had protected me, I wasn't used to that. My mother had always let her friends hurt me she never protected me. It was nice having someone that did. I was probably overthinking this. There is no way I had feelings for him. Come on Eve.

I closed my eyes and quickly felt a rush of tiredness come over me. And with that I fell asleep.


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