The End

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TW: mentions of su1cide


The night was all a blur all I can remember is the four of us walking down to the black lake with some alcohol. I remember a few other people showing up then I remember this all consuming feeling of coldness and darkness.

I can hear shuffling around me and a few voices. I'm about to open my eyes to see where I am when I hear some older people whispering. It sounds like Madam Pomfrey, professor Mcgonagall, professor Snape, Dumbledore, and a few other voices I cant quite match.

"When she wakes up what are we supposed to tell her?" one of the voices says. "If she wakes up." Madam Pomfrey says. "Well we cant just tell her nothing." Mcgonagall says. "I say we say nothing. I mean the shape she's in she probably wont wake up at all." Snape says. "We are going to tell her what happened. When she wakes up." Dumbledore says in a soft stern voice.

After waiting for what feels like forever the professors leave. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I'm laying in a bed in the medical wing. There's a few bandages on my arm. I can see any others due to the layers of blankets that are covering me. I look across the room and see Pansy laying in another bed with a lot of bandages on her and a glowing orb of sorts floating above her. She looks bad, really bad.

I move the blankets off of me and go to stand up. I wait a second but there's no pain. No sharp shooting, no numbness. I don't feel the iciness of the cold tiles on my feet. None of my cuts burn, I don't wince.

There's no pain.

I feel nothing.

I turn around to the bed I was just laying in. There to my horror laid me. Well my body. I walk over to it. I go to touch it but my hand goes through it. No. I lean towards my head and listen. Nothing. I put my head towards my heart. Nothing. I'm not breathing. I'm not in my body. I'm dead. No that's crazy.

Madam Pomfrey and all the other professors that were previously in the room come rushing in. I expect them to stop when they see me. But they don't, they just run right past me. They run to my body.

"She's dead." Madam Pomfrey says as she lifts some sort of spell off of my body.

"So is she." Professor Dumbledore says standing next to Pansy's bed.


No, no, no.

"They were all just children." Professor Mcgonagall says softly.

Wait what?


Just a few days ago we were all running around, getting in trouble, and having the time of our lives. And now were all dead. We took advantage of what we had. Our choices finally caught up to us. We and all of our parents pay the price.


My mother never made it to my funeral. I guess she moved away or went to Azkaban or something like that. Draco parents were both devastated to say the least. Narcissa made a suicide attempt but Lucius saved her. Mattheo's dad didn't go. He was too ashamed of him. And Pansy's parents were both heartbroken. They had a funeral and dinner in her favor.

That night. Well Id do anything to take it back. We should've never gone to the black lake. Or drank those bottles of liquor. We never should've jumped into the water or gotten drunk. When Pansy got pulled into the water and we all followed, that, that is when our fates were sealed. We went to the black lake for some harmless fun but the choice was already made. Wed go to the lake, but little did we know that wed never come back. Well alive of course.


Authors Notes:

Honestly I think this story is trash. It did not go where I wanted it to go and that's my bad. I just needed to end it so I just killed everyone. If anyone wants to take anything from this book go ahead. I quite liked some of these chapters but then I had to go and mess up the whole plot smh. I was gonna make the story longer but I was just done with it.

Also tell me your honest opinions on this book. Does anyone agree with my opinion or do you actually like this book? I don't know what ill do with the answers but I guess Id just like to know.

Im gonna write another book. I already have the idea for the book but I just need to set it up. It wont be a fanfic but I do have some other story's in my drafts (like two) that are fanfics but Im gonna just write for a bit.

So this is not a goodbye. Well it is...

Goodbye "Reckoning"

But this is not a goodbye for me writing books, its just more of an Ill see you in another story.

So for now...

Ill see you in another story.

*843 words*

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