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 I woke up coated in a thin layer of sweat. Ever since what happened in the cabin I've been getting nightmares at night. Ill be walking down the hallway then ill come up to the door but when I open it Pansy, Draco and Mattheo are all sitting at the table dead. The hooded figure stands behind my chair calling to me. 

I got out of my bed and went into the bathroom in the dorm Pansy and I share. I grabbed a towel and started the shower. I took off my cloths and looked into the mirror. Down my right right forearm is a big mark. It looks as if someone grabbed my arm really hard. I don't think it was Mattheo. Ill have to ask him. Annoyingly he always remembers every mark he leaves on me. 

I get in the shower and start to wash my hair when I feel a stinging feeling in my arm. It gets worst and worst. I quickly finish in the shower. I use a spell to dry my hair and body. At this point the pain is so bad that I can barely move my right arm. I pull on my cloths with my left arm and the mark starts to feel as if its infecting or going through my whole right arm, though it hasn't visibly moved. I use a spell on my arm to take away pain. It didn't work. I should go to Madam Pomfrey and see if she can do anything. I pull on my shoes and slip out of the room, trying not to make much noise, so I don't wake up Pansy.

As I walk down the hall I cant help but feel as though I'm being watched. I shake off the though as I turn into Madam Pomfrey's room. I'm surprised she's working this early in the morning. Breakfast isn't until another forty minutes or so. "Ah Evelyn, what brings you here this early?" Madam Pomfrey asks me as I walk in. "I woke up with this mark on my arm and I was wondering if you could help get rid of it. I burns really bad." I answer laying down on the table she motions to me.

After about twenty minutes of her looking at my arm and doing little tests with it she gives me a potion to drink. I drink it and cringe at the awfully bitter taste it give. After a few seconds the mark starts to disappear along with the pain. "Thank you Madam Pomfrey." I say getting up. "If that mark ever comes back, just come here and ill give you some more of that potion alright dear." Madam Pomfrey says walking back to her desk. I leave not asking any questions as I need to get back to my dorm before Pansy wakes up and starts to ask me where I've gone so early in the morning.

I get back to my dorm and Pansy's not in her bed. "Shit".  I look at the clock on our wall and there was about fifteen minutes until breakfast ends. "Shit". I guess a lot more time had passed then I thought. How did I not see more people coming back here.I go to my wardrobe and get a skirt and top out. I pull them on real fast not buttoning all the buttons and having my shirt half tucked into my shirt. I walk over to my bed and grab my tie off of one of the posts and put it around my neck not bothering to tie it. I grab my bag and throw my hair real fast into a messy ponytail. I grab my robe off of a chair in the corner of our room and pull it over my self. I run out of the room and button the remaining buttons as I quickly make my way to breakfast. 

I run into the great hall and to the Slytherin table. I tuck in the rest of my shirt as I reach the table. and sit down next to Pansy, Mattheo in front of me and Draco to the left of me in front of Pansy. "Wow, you look fun." Mattheo said with a smirk on his face. "Shut up." I replied putting some food on the plate in front of me. "Hey where were you this morning? You weren't there when I woke up." Pansy asked turning to face me. "I went to the library to finish up some stuff for potions." I lied. "No you didn't you wouldn't look like that if you left early to work on potions." Draco said. "I didn't put on my uniform but more time passed then I thought so I had to run to our dorm to change." I said taking a bite of toast. "Your bag was in our room when I left." Pansy said narrowing her eyes at me. Before they could interrogate me further the bell rang ending breakfast. People started getting up and exiting the hall. I took the rest of my toast and held it in my mouth with my teeth as I stood up and put my bag over my shoulder. I took the toast out from my teeth. "I have to go to DADA ill see you guys later." I said walking out of the great hall. I have DADA with Mattheo so this should be fun.

As I walked to DADA Mattheo ran up to me and started walking in line with me. "Yes?" I asked as I kept walking. "What?" Mattheo asked. "I know you have something to say, so say it." After a few seconds Mattheo spoke up again. "I know you weren't in the library this morning Eve." Mattheo said looking at me. I sped up my pace. "Yes I was." I said as I walked into DADA. 

All through class I took extra work into ignoring Mattheo. I mean yes I am lying about where I was this morning, but still they should just let it go. Shouldn't they? They don't need to know I was in the medical wing this morning. They'd just worry and I don't need that. 

I went through the day as normal. They had all given up at trying to get me to tell them where I was this morning, around third period. Once all classes of the day were over I decided to actually go study in the library. I pulled out my DADA homework and started working on it. 

Three figures started walking at me. Mattheo, Draco and Pansy. "Lets do something funnn." Pansy said leaning against me. "Like what Pans?" I said putting my work in my bag. "Lets sneak out to the black lake." Draco said with a smirk on his face. "What could possibly go wrong?" He added.

Everything that night went wrong...


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