Chapter 2

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    “Moonkit, Stonekit, and Sagekit come forward.” Moonkit couldn’t believe it, she was going to be an apprentice! With Stonekit, Sagekit, and Rockpaw too! Her ears and tail were twitching so much she couldn’t believe it! This felt like a dream, yet it felt so real and it was real! This is amazing! I can’t wait until I’m a warrior! “Moonkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Moonpaw.” Bramblestar was naming her first! “Squirrelflight, you will be Moonpaw’s mentor." Soon her, and her brothers were all apprentices, and they were eager to start training. Well, I guess if they can’t take us now, I’ll go do something useful. Moonkit thought. I can go check the elders for ticks! Yuck! But I guess I should, it would make them a bit happier… possibly. But just as Moonkit started towards the medicine den, she heard her mentor, Sqiurrelflight, call her.    

“Moonpaw, I would like to start right away, hurry please.” She was so excited, she raced after her mentor right away, and soon they were gone.

     “So, what are we doing?” Moonpaw was so excited she felt as light as the air. “Hunting? Fighting? Learning how to set scent markers?”

    “Calm down little one, I’ll tell you but first, you must be quiet.” Moonpaw instantly went silent and waited for Squirrelflight to give orders. “Now I think we should tsart with hunting, is that alright with you?” Moonpaw was so excited she didn’t care, and she accidently spoke her thoughts aloud.

“I can’t believe I’m an apprentice! I’ll catch prey, mark borders, fight in battles, everything! This… This…” She was about to go on when she noticed Squirrelflight Looking at her, whiskers twitching with amusement.

“Come, let’s go.” Squirrelflight still looked as if she were about to burst out laughing and never stop. “We’ll go to the lake. Sound good?” Moonpaw dipped her head in agreement. She would go to the lake.

Blossomkit woke to a paw prodding in her in the side. She grunted and rolled over, she did not want to get up. “Come on, Blossomkit, let’s go see Moonpaw.” Skykit was always harassing her to get going, for most of the time she could ignore her, and go her own pace, until it got really annoying. Then she had to listen.

    “Oh, Skykit, let her rest, your sister needs her sleep.” Daisy, their mother, always let her sleep when she wanted to. Yeah, Skykit, let me sleep, She thought. Then another thought popped up in her mind. Maybe I should get up, it’s about time. I am five moons, so I should go see the apprentices den! She wriggled away from her mother and jumped out of the nursery behind Skykit.

    “I told you I’d make you come out some time!” As soon as Blossomkit got out of the nursery, she became very excited, and hardly heard her sister yowl as she ran away. Just a few seconds after she dashed away from Skykit, she halted as her sister flung herself out of the bushes, in attempt to tackle her. Blossomkit had stopped just in time, when her sister flew right past her into a clump of brambles with a surprised yelp. She took the chance to escape; she ran across the clearing and dove into the tall grass by the elders den. She expected Skykit to follow her scent, to where she was hiding; she walked right past her! Right when Skykit was busy, with Smokepaw, she leaped. She was so proud when she landed right on top of Skykit. Her sister let out a surprised yowl, and fled, as fast as her little paws could take her, away from her attacker, not knowing it was her own littermate, across the clearing. She turned around to see Smokepaw, whiskers twitching with amusment.

    “I never knew Skykit could be so scared of her littermate.”

    “Me neither. I always thought I would be running away from her.” She was so proud she felt like she was going to burst. Just then their mother called her back. “See you later Smokepaw.” She said as she trotted away. 

“Get back in here! Someone attacked your sister! What if they were from a different clan?” Daisy was frantic, her eyes wide with fear.

“Oh, come on now, do you really think an enemy warrior could sneak into our camp and jump on a kit in the middle of the clearing, without being noticed?” Blossomkit felt like laughing so hard, the whole of Starclan could hear her. How could her mother be so mouse-brained? “It’s not like you’re mouse-brained, so how could you expect that? Seriously, mother, it was me. I finally got revenge.”

“On Skykit? What did she do?” Her mother looked so confused, but it was so obvious.

“Oh, come on, she does the same thing I just did and more. All the time.”

“That give’s you no right Blosssomkit!” Daisy scolded.

“Yeah, Blossomkit,” Skykit replied, in an unkind tone.

“Skykit be kind!” Their mother hissed. “I never thought having kits would be such a pawful!” Skykit shrank away behind the intense glare of her mother’s eyes, when Spiderleg walked in, holding a trush. 

“What’s been going on?” He asked. “You all seem very… Nevermind. So how is it all going?”

“It’s going fine. Daisy replied. “But these kits are quite a pawful,” she said, turning to Skykit and Blossomkit.

“You be good for your mother.” Spiderleg scolded.

“Yes, Spiderleg, we will.” They promised, blinking.

“Well then?” Skykit prompted, when Spiderleg turned away, talking to Daisy.


“Well? What are we gonna do now?” Skykit asked again, her eyes full of mischief.

“What?! No, I don’t want to get into more trouble!” Blossomkit said.

“Okay then, that’s fine.” She said her tail drooping.

“I’m going to sleep.” Blossomkit said. “It’s getting late.”

“No!” Moonpaw cried. “You can’t beat me Stonepaw!” Stonepaw and Moonpaw yowled in delight while Sagepaw timidly crept closer to his litter-mates.

“Oh, yes I can!” Stonepaw replied, and yowled in surprise as Sagepaw hurled himself onto Stonepaw, flinging him away from Moonpaw.

“Thanks Sagepaw!” She yowled as she flung herself back at Stonepaw. No! Stonepaw thought. I’m going to lose! He truly believed this until Sagepaw jumped away, his fur fluffed up in fear, and fled, tail high, back to camp.  

“What was that all about?” Moonpaw asked, and then they saw it. Lumbering towards them was a large female badger. It let out a low growl then charged at Moonpaw, who was more noticeable, due to her flame orange fur.

“Moonpaw!” Stonepaw screeched. “Don’t touch her!” He cried as the badger lunged. This can’t happen! He thought, and threw himself at the badger, knocking it aside, and using his body to shield Moonpaw.

“Thanks… I could have died!” He could hear the shock in her voice. Stonepaw filled with pride he had just saved his sister from a badger and he had only just become an apprentice! But it wasn’t over yet. Just as the badger lifted a huge paw aimed to strike, Lionblaze, Cloudtail, Foxheart, and Rockpaw burst through the bushes and leaped at the badger. The badger Let out a furious roar and fled out of the territory.

“Are you okay?” Lionblaze bounded over his eyes wide with alarm.

“We’re fine. Right Moonpaw?” Stonepaw promised. As he turned to Moonpaw he noticed a long gash across her flank. “Moonpaw?” His voice shook, as he looked more closely at the wound. She took one shaky breath, then collapsed, blood oozing from the wound in her side. No… I was to slow… What if she doesn’t make it?

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