Chapter 5

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Yes! I'm back! Skypaw thought. I can finally start my training! Although I really don't want to be in this stinking place. She walked on, searching for the black tom who had offered to train her last time she came. Then, she saw a black tail slip into the bushes. Hey, that's him! "Wait!" She called. "I want you to train me! I want to be the best warrior I can be!" She yowled desperately but he didn't come back. She turned to leave, but a something had landed on her, forcing her to struggle to free herself. She tried going limp, but when she did, she realized her attacker was another cat. Skypaw flipped herself over and tried to sink her claws into his belly, but the intruder was fast, and leapt out of reach. She swung herself around in a second attempt and felt her claws dig into flesh. She scratched a long wound down his side and backed away, with only a small nick in the ear, as if her attacker meant not to hurt her... But teach her! It was the black tom she saw the other night! "Very good Skypaw, even at this age, you fight like a warrior. But not the best you can be." He said. "By the way, my name is Breezepelt. Let's begin your training, and later I will tell you my story... And why I am here."

"Ha! Missed me!" Moonpaw yowled. "My turn!" She said and then leapt at Rockpaw, plunging her paws into his soft belly making him fall over and whine playfully, "Ow, Moonpaw hurt me!" They practiced their fighting until sunhigh, then scented

an enemy. "A fox." Rockpaw whispered.

"There!" By the edge of the clearing, a large russet shape slunk towards them. "Get out of here you mangy fox!" Moonpaw yowled.

"Er... Moonpaw what did you just say?" Rockpaw said. "That fox looks awfully insulted right now, and couldn't understand a word you said."

"What?" She said and stopped ad she realized that he didn't understand that either. Oh no! I'm not speaking cat... I'm speaking fox! She thought urgently. "Fox, can you understand me?" She asked, making her sound like she was crazy... But no one else could understand her! That was crazy!

Then she heard a voice, and whipped her head around to see. The fox!

"Yes," he said, "I can understand you. But how? I'm a fox, not a cat!"

"You must leave!" Moonpaw said urgently. "My friends and you will be in danger! I am sorry to tell you to go but please!"

"I will leave." The fox replied. "I will leave for you, for your kindness, for your friends. You deserve a happy life." The fox finished, then turned around and calmly walked in to the bushes.

"What if it doesn't leave? And why didn't it attack us?" Rockpaw asked.

"Because... I can speak fox." Moonpaw said. "This is our secret, right?"

"Right." He said, then they turned around and walked back to the camp, pelts brushing... Although Moonpaw always did try her luck on catching him off guard.

"Hey Smokepaw!" Skypaw yowled. "Bet you can't beat me in a race!"

"Oh yes I can!" He yowled back. "I won't lose every time!" He gained a burst of speed and flew past Skypaw.

"Hey!" She yowled in return. "I want to win!" Her words echoed in his mind. I want to win! Instinctively he slowed, letting Skypaw pass. Wait... Why did I do that? Did she just control me somehow?

"Wait!" He called. "Skypaw, something weird is happening!"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, when you said 'I want to win!' I just, well, instinctively let you win." He answered. "Did you notice?"

"Yes. As soon as I said it you did what I wanted." She said, confused. "It's like... I can control others... When I said that, I had never felt more power. I thought the power would corrupt me. It was scary."

"Something's happening." He said, trying to comfort her. "Let's go talk to Blossompaw and Moonpaw. They might be able to help."

"Moonpaw!" As Rockpaw walked into camp with Moonpaw at his side he heard a cat calling her name. "Moonpaw we need you!" It was Skypaw. "Something's happening. Let's go out of camp." She said in more of a whisper.

"Blossompaw!" Moonpaw whispered. "You come too." When the five cats walked out of camp, Moonpaw was the first to talk. "You have special abilities too, I'm guessing?" She said to Skypaw, who gasped in surprise.

"Yes! How did you know?" She asked.

"Starclan scent a prophecy three moons ago. 'There will be four, just like before, that will save Thunderclan from great danger. Me, and you must be part of the prophecy. But I'm not sure about you Blossompaw, sorry."

"It's alright." Blossompaw said. "If I am part of it, Starclan will send a sign. But what about the fourth cat?" All five cats instantly shot awkward glances at each other, as if that was a mystery, for later.

"Hawkfrost, are you sure you want to have your memory restored after birth?" Slumberhead asked. "It will be painful, for restoring the memory after rebirth will put a lot of stress on your body, due to the forces streaming through your mind."

"I can deal with the pain. The kitthood I cannot. I will start training as soon as I open my eyes. I will make Tigerstar

proud." He growled in return.

"Make him proud?" The female badger snickered. "You will never make him proud! But you can help him once you get there."

"What do you mean? Is he already there?" He said excitedly. "We will rule the forest and all those pitiful clan cats! I could have been the leader easily, but I tried to take it by force, and this time I will not fail!"

"Will you stop mewling like a kit and just let me get on with the ceremony?" She growled in disgust. "Let's begin."

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