Chapter 9

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"You want to be a medicine cat?" Bramblestar asked. "To tell the truth, I would have never expected that from you."
"I really want to be a medicine cat, but I have a small problem." Sagepaw answered.
"And what is that?"
"I'm losing my sight."
"What?! Why didn't you say something earlier?" He asked. "That most definitely will be a problem, seeing as your sense of smell isn't as good as the average apprentice either..."
"So... Can I become-"
"You will be a medicine cat. We will all try our hardest." Bramblestar answered without letting him finish. "I will talk to Jayfeather immediately."
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What if it's true? What if Rockpaw and I really aren't meant to be together? Moonpaw thought in sorrow. Was Sagepaw right, and this is all just my imagination? She hissed in frustration, just as she heard a sound come from the bush behind her. She was at the lake, she wanted to be alone to think. No one would bother her here. "Or that's what I thought." She whispered to herself as Stonepaw walked out of hiding. He's not alone! She could smell someone else. It was... Rockpaw! They didn't notice her at first but she couldn't stay out of sight for long.
"Oh, Moonpaw it's you!" Stonepaw exclaimed.
"Hey Stonepaw, Rockpaw!" She said, desperately trying to hide her feelings. "I didn't see you there."
"What do you mean? You were hiding from us..." Rockpaw continued. "There's no way you couldn't have seen us."
She was eagerly searching for excuses, when she remembered something strange.
"Wait... Rockpaw weren't you with Sagepaw?" This set him at an awkward angle.
"Well yes, I was." His paws were shifting with anxiety. "He... He isn't a warrior anymore." This sent a wave of shock through both of the littermates.
"What?!" They said in unison.
"He said he wanted to be a medicine cat. So we talked to Bramblestar. He's talking with Jayfeather right now." He answered.
Stonepaw looked utterly confused, but Moonpaw, she looked proud.
"He finally found the courage say something." She muttered. His problem was gone but... What about mine? She thought, and all her saddness came flowing back.
"Um, Moonpaw?" Stonepaw asked. "Is something wrong?" I can't tell him! I can't tell anyone! She thought.
"Nothing!" She insisted. "I'm going home!"
Something's wrong... Rockpaw thought. Did someone do something to Moonpaw?
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"Hey Skypaw, have you seen Moonpaw lately?" Blossompaw asked. "I haven't seen her for awhile."
"Now that you mention it, no." Skypaw answered. "I haven't seen her either. Why don't we go ask Stonepaw?"
Stonepaw... The dark brown apprentices' name echoed in her mind. Stonepaw...
"Um, Blossompaw? Are you okay?"
"Wha'... Oh, sorry Skypaw! Lets go."
"Okay!" She agreed. They started walking, then stopped, just as Moonpaw burst through the thorn barrier and ran across the clearing, into the apprentices den.
"Moonpaw?" Blossompaw called her friends' name, then turned to her sister and said, "something's wrong." Skypaw nodded in agreement. All three of them were part of a prophecy given to Moonpaw by Starclan. But wait, wasn't there supposed to be four of them? Last time they had talked about the prophecy Rockpaw was there too. Him maybe? She'd have to find out before she could do anything with Moonpaw. I guess I have no choice. "Skypaw!" She whispered her sister's name. "We must talk to Rockpaw!"
"What? Why?" Skypaw retorted.
Blossompaw rolled her eyes and answered. "He might be the forth cat in the prophecy!"
"Oh! Lets go then."

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