Chapter 11

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"How do you know?" Skypaw demanded. "What's your power?" The small grey she-cat was pulling answers out of him, where as Blossonpaw was standing quietly assessing the situation.

"I wonder..." She started. "If I'm actually part of the prophecy." Rockpaw stared at Bossompaw for awhile, then started answering her sister's questions.

"I am completely sure that I am the fourth. And my power," he continued, "is terrifying. I can bring others back."

"You can bring others back?" Blossompaw questioned.

"Back... From Starclan." He answered. The two she-cats gasped in surprise and fear.

"How is that possible?" Blossompaw fretted. "How do you do it?"

"And are there any consequences?" Skypaw added. The dark tabby shook in fear as he started to talk.

"The cats body must be present. If even one of my tears touches their fur, life returns back to that body." He explained Blossompaw's questions first, then he started on Skypaw's.

" And yes, there are definitely consequences. Power does not come without a price."

"And what is that price?" Blossompaw asked, and Skypaw nodded.

"The prince..." He began. "Is a second personality."

Skypaw woke in a dark place, must was flowing around her. I'm here! She thought. Where is Breezepelt? I'll find him soon. She wandered through the forest, the mist closing in around her. Suddenly the trees opened up into a clearing, with a dark, sticky river flowing through it.

"Hello, Skypaw." A voice came from the other side of the river, as a Breezepelt walked out, another cat behind him. "This is Mapleshade." He gestured towards the somewhat transparent tortoiseshell

she-cat. Skypaw slowly crept towards the river.

"I can't jump this," she said. Breezepelt looked down at the river.

"Then swim." He growled.

"But I can't swim!" She answered.

"A good warrior needs to know how to fight in all places," he explained, "from water, to forests, from forests, to mountains. This is what you need." She took a deep breath before stepping into the murky water. She gasped as it lapped at her belly fur. She started churning her paws in the water. Swimming is just like running, but in water, right? She yelped as the ground disappeared beneath her feet, and she sunk to the bottom. She fiercely, pushed at the water, but the weight of her fur and. The water held her down. Her lungs were screaming for air, but she kept pushing. Just as her legs started to give out she felt teeth dig into her scruff, pulling her to the surface. It was Breezepelt.

"What were you thinking?" Mapleshade whispered to Breezepelt. "You should have left her!"

"She would have died!" He hissed back. Mapleshade's fur started to bristle.

"We are in the dark forest, not Starclan!" She answered. "We don't save others if they're not worth saving!" Breezepelt yowled and leapt onto her, knocking her over.

"Well maybe I think she's a cat worth saving!" Skypaw slowly stood up.

"I'm ready for training!" She said. Breezepelt jumped of of Mapleshade and turned towards Skypaw.

"Are you sure?" He asked with worry in his voice. "You can sleep tonight and come back tommorow, if you need." Mapleshade hissed at his comment.

"I'm fine! I can do it right now." She exclaimed.

"Then why don't we try swimming again?" He suggested. Once Skypaw was back in the river, Mapleshade whispered into Breezepelt's ear, "not falling in love with a living cat I hope?" Then she walked away, into the trees. Is it true? Skypaw silently asked herself, after hearing what the tortoiseshell she-cat had said. Is Breezepelt falling in love with me?

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