Chapter 7

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"Cow, how much farther do we have to go?" Lily, Cow's younger sister, was complaining out of control. They had recently been driven out of their home, and forced to travel to find a new one.

"I've heard of the clan cats that live close by. Stories say that they sharpen their teeth and claws on their preys' bones and line their nests with their enemies fur."

"D-do you really believe that Cow?" Lily asked, her voice shaking with fear. "Do they really do that?"

"No, of course not!" She answered, whiskers twitching with amusement. "That story is just for all those kittypets out there. They're scared of everything! Well, most of them anyway."

"And where will we live?" Lily asked yet another question.

"I guess we could try the clans. If your up to it." She suggested. "They might help us." The cream she-cat nodded and without another word, started walking in the direction of the clans. First, they would try the marshes.

"Intruders!" Rowanclaw, the Shadowclan deputy had a keen scent for intruders. "But, wait... Blackstar! They are not clan cats."

"Then send out a patrol to fetch them. We will find out why they are here before attacking."

"Of course. Oakfur, Twanypelt, and Smokefoot, come with me!" With that, the deputy and his patrol left the camp to fetch the mysterious cats.

"Blackstar, what will we do with them?" Scorchfur, a Shadowclan warrior, asked.

"We will hear what they have to say, didn't you hear me?" He answered with a bitter edge in his tone. "Listen better next time!"

"Yes, Blackstar. I'll make sure I do." He snapped back. Shadowclan cats had cold hearts, frozen by the chilly winds that raced through their territory. Or so the legend told. Just then, two cats, one a large black and white she-cat, the other a small cream she-cat.

"State your business outsiders." Cow and her sister could already tell that this was probably not where they belonged. It didn't feel right, but she would tell anyway.

"We used to live on the farm close to here." A few snickers came from the crowd. "A monster took our home away from us, it is no longer safe there. We come seeking help, a place to shelter and live. Can you help us?" This time pity and fear flowed from the crowd like they had also lost the same before. But the answer was as expected.

"I am sorry. We have no room or prey to spare with leaf-bare so close. We wish you good luck on your search. May your ancestors light your path." For them it's Starclan. "You mean Starclan?" A few surprised gasps came from the crowd. Wait... How did I know that? Starclan... With the thought of that one word suddenly, the world went white, and then it happened. The vision. Several scared yowls came from the cats gathered around.

"What's happening?" One of them screeched. "She will destroy us all!"

"Calm down you fools!" Blackstar hissed. "Look at her! She can't even control herself at the moment. Just wait. And you," he said to Lily, "come over here until this is over."

Wha'... Where am I? She wondered.

"You are in Starclan, Cow." A tom, who looked just like her said. "My name is Tallstar."

"I know that!" She said without thinking.

"I know. But how did you know Cow? You are special. You were chosen out of all non-clan cats to be the one. The one that has unspeakable power."

"Power? What is it? What can I do?"

"Well, what have you noticed?"

"I... I can tell who other cats are without ever meeting them... And I can tell things other cats can't."

"Yes." He answered. "You have the power to know cats and names and tell what's going to happen before it does. This is why your special. And I know where you must seek help."

"Thunderclan." She whispered.

"Yes Cow, Thunderclan. Go now, you sister is waiting." The old tom said, and then raided from sight. Suddenly everything came rushing back. She was in the Shadowclan camp, and she was exhausted. But they had to leave. Now.

"Well then young one, are you alright?" Blackstar asked.

"I am not as young as you think." Oh great here I go again. "I am as old as Shadowstar, and more ancient that Lionclan. I have been here longer that the rest of you." Oh really, I am?

"You are? Yeah right!" One of the apprentices called mockingly. "Your still only a bit older than me!"

"Then I'll prove it." Shocked gasps came again.

"And just how will you do that?" Another apprentice said.

"By telling the story... Of how Leopardclan won the river." More suprised and interested gasps came from the crowd. "It all started at the full moon gathering, when Lionclan and Tigerclan announced the arrival of a new enemy, a giant boar, by the name of Rage."

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