Chapter 13

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Skypaw flinched in her sleep. No! She thought. This can't be happening! She bit down on a stick nearby, and it splintered instantly. She yowled in pain, as a small dark grey kit slid onto the muddy ground.

"No!" She yowled. "Whose kits are these?"

A black tom appeared in her mind. Breezepelt! She thought to herself. Wait, these can't be his kits!

"No!" She yowled. She felt a paw prodding her side.

"Can you be any louder?" Cloudpaw complained. "What do when your asleep? You look like your fighting a hoard of badgers!" Skypaw was gasping for air. It was just a dream. But it had seemed so real! She still ached. Wait, she thought, I ache? But that was a dream! She sighed.

"Sorry." She apologized. "I've just been having some really weird dreams." She slid out of the den when Cloudpaw laid back down. She didn't notice, but Smokepaw was following her. She hissed in surprise.

"You scared me!" She hissed. "Why are you following me?" Smokepaw backed up.

"S-sorry." He said. "I just wanted to talk to you." His voice sunk.

"Wait," she called when he started walking away. "I was wondering... Um..."

"Yes?" Smokepaw insisted.

"I was wondering if you wanted to-uh, go to the lake to talk?" She asked awkwardly. His tail shot up.

"Of course!" He said delightedly. "What do you want to talk about?" He said loudly.

"Shhhhh!" She flicked her tail over his mouth. "If I want to go somewhere else to talk, then I obviously don't want anyone else knowing!" He nodded his apology.

"Come on, let's go." She suggested. She turned and started walking, and he followed.

"Hey Moonpaw!" Blossompaw yowled. Moonpaw turned and tried to look cheerful, despite her long-lasting foul mood. "Why don't we- Moonpaw, are you upset about something?" Of course she figured it out! That's Blossompaw for you! Blossompaw had this weird way of telling how others feel at the times that no one wants her to. Moonpaw didn't know how, but she did it. And she always knew.

"Is there something you need?" Moonpaw asked, avoiding the previous question.

"Yes actually, I do have something to say," her voice dropped to a whisper. "It's about the prophecy." Moonpaw nodded.

"Lets go to the lake." She suggested. The two apprentices ran towards the lake once they escaped the clutches of the thorn barrier.

"So what is it?" Moonpaw insisted.

"A dream is a world in itself." The black she-cat said. Moonpaw stepped back and sat down.

"What?" She asked, puzzled.

"A dream- is a world." She repeated.

"What are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm trying to tell you that I have powers too. I'm the fourth cat in the prophecy." The black she-cat insisted.

"What?! What can you do?" Moonpaw demanded.

"I... Can travel between realms. Or dream worlds, should I say."

"So, your like Jayfeather, but also not like Jayfeather?" Moonpaw asked. Blossompaw nodded. "Well at least we figured out the cats in the prophecy."

"Yeah..." Blossompaw answered. "Why don't we hunt a bit?" They started towards the trees, and slid into a bush when the heard something.

"Skypaw..." Smokepaw was speaking. And Skypaw was there as well. "I care about you Skypaw."

"Do you really?" She whispered. "Because I care about you too."

"I promise." He said. Blossompaw and Moonpaw exchanged a glance. Oops. Blossompaw knew exactly what Moonpaw was thinking. We just intruded on Skypaw's confession! Now we know everything. Moonpaw sent Blossompaw a mischievous glance, but it was just a joke. Skypaw would tell everyone eventually.

Warriors: The Power of Four-Call my NameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora