Chapter 4

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Moonpaw hissed in frustration as a mouse slipped from her paws and into a small burrow. "Stupid mouse!" She cursed. "Thunderclan needs food this leaf-fall! Why couldn't I have caught it?"

"It's not your fault," her mentor Squirrelflight reminded her, "Your wound is still healing."

"Yeah!" Blossompaw added. "You did a great job for an apprentice with a wound." Like that makes me feel any better!"Most cats wouldn't even be out of camp right now!" While Blossompaw and Squirrelflight comforted Moonpaw, Skypaw gazed into the trees, the direction of the lake. She had seemed very distracted, not even catching as much prey as Blossompaw or Moonpaw, even with her wound. Ugh! Blossompaw's so jumpy and excited, and Moonpaw also seems very content... I just want to spend some time alone with Smokepaw! That would make me happier! Why can't any cat just leave me alone?

"Um, Skypaw?" It was Moonpaw. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" She snapped back, and apologized when she saw Moonpaw flinch. "Moonpaw I'm sorry, I'm just very... I don't know. I just can't seem to keep it together these days."

"Oh Skypaw, it's alright." She said. "Everyone seems to be a little uptight these days." After that they went on hunting and caught enough to feed the all the warriors. This, was what Thunderclan needed.

As Skypaw pushed through the thorn barrier with her catch, she heard a small yelp come from the medicine den. "Hey, that hurts!" It was Cloudpaw, Smokepaw's brother.

"If you want to have an infected scratch, then keep moving!" She heard their medicine cat, Jayfeather, scold the apprentice for acting like a kit, when he only had a thorn in his pad. As she stood up from depositing her catch on the fresh-kill pile, she heard another cat calling her. Smokepaw.

"Hey Skypaw..." He muttered nervously. "Er, do you want to go hunt with me?" A glimmer of hope shone in his eyes. She couldn't ignore him.

"I just got back from hunting," she started, and said when she saw his eyes sink, "but it can't hurt to go again!"

Instantly, he brightened, and yowled playfully, "Race you to the lake!" As soon as they left the camp.

"I bet I'll beat you!" She yowled.

"Oh, no you won't!" He said, and gained a burst of speed, but tiny Skypaw was still too fast for him, and won by a mouse length.

"Ha! Told you so!" She mewed.

"I'll beat you someday!" He promised, and then they walked away, pelts brushing, into the undergrowth, to look for prey.

"Well I hope they bring back a decent amount of food." Graystripe, a Thunderclan elder mentioned. "They shouldn't be giving us too much prey."

Sandstorm let out a small purr. "And how much did you eat when you were a warrior?" She said. "You ate too much prey that one new-leaf and got a terrible belly-ache!" She exclaimed. Moonpaw offered to clean their bedding as an extra job to do, for Squirrelflight was busy with Bramblestar. She didn't know what they were talking about but it seemed important. As she was walking past the leader's den, towards the exit of the camp for fresh moss she heard Bramblestar whisper, "Squirrelflight, Starclan told me something last night." She had to hear, so she slid into a bush and perked her ears for sounds.

"Really?" Squirrelflight started. "Please don't tell me it's bad."

"It's not," Bramblestar stated. "Actually, you'll like what I have to say. I will survive the battle with the rouges." The rouges? Moonpaw thought. What rouges? Is there going to be a battle? "A cat, the colour of the golden moon, will shine down on Thunderclan's old enemies, and defeat all, but one."

What? Where am I? The dark brown tom thought. But... But I died! "This is the place that you come after you die twice, where you will be reborn into the world." A mysterious figure answered.

"What? Who are you?" The brown tom hissed and glared into the mist with his cold, blue eyes. A cold cackling echoed around him, making him shiver.

"My name is Slumberhead." The figure said and slunk out of the shadows. A badger! "Do not try to hurt me. It will not work." He said when he instinctively, unseathed his claws. "Now, Hawkfrost, do you want to return to the world to fulfill your destiny, and rule the forest? I will grant you a gift. You may keep your memory."

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