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I stare at the plaster ceiling, the small crack in the ceiling leaking and dripping in the corner. It hasn't rained this hard in Florida in so long. It's been a few months. At least a month before I ended up in here 2 months ago. I take in a deep breath, wishing I could smell the rain that I hear pounding on the roof. I hear my cell being unlocked.

I laugh, pulling George outside on my patio and into the rain. He puts up his arm in attempt to deflect the rain from hitting his delicate face, but he fails and gives up. I laugh, shaking my head.

"Come on, George! Come dance in the rain with me!" I shout over the pouring rain. He rolls his eyes at me, a smile on his face as his hand is outstretched to mine. I take his hand, pulling him into the grass. I spin him around as we laugh, getting soaked from the rain. As we stop to catch out breath, George goes over to the patio and lays on the wet concrete. He lays himself out like a starfish, taking in the rain that is like needles on our skin. I lightly jog over to him after I catch my  own breath. I stand at his feet, laughing at him.

"I'm a starfish!" He shouts with a laugh. I get on my knees, straddling him. Our eyes lock, not separating from each other. I lean over, supporting myself with my hands on the ground on either side of him. He grabs my face, pulling it towards his, embracing me in a short, passionate kiss. After our kiss, I roll off of him, becoming a starfish with him. We both just stare at the crying sky, laughing. George covers his face laughing. "What are we even doing out here?" He laughs out and I laugh with him and shrug.

"I don't know." I laugh. Taking in the moment.

I sit back down on my bed, my hair dripping wet and my orange jumpsuit sticking to me slightly. I just got back from the showers and now it's almost lights out. I take in a deep breath, remembering how soaked we were after that. We were freezing when we came back inside the house and then Sapnap yelled at us for tracking water through the house. That same night, I just got really sad. It had rained the whole night, the longest it had rained in Florida for a while.

I'm facing the window, watching the rain drip down the glass just like my tears on my cheeks. I've just felt really off recently. Even though earlier today was amazing, I don't want to fuck us up. I don't want to mess up this good thing because I feel like that's all I do. I let out a shaky sigh, wiping one cheek. I look down at my hands, the hands that are much larger than George's small ones. They almost engulf his. I practically engulf him whenever I hug him, he's so small. I shake the thoughts from my brain, remembering the words I almost said outside today. I almost said 'I love you' and I know that wouldn't have gone over well with George. He's not ready for that yet. I take in a deep breath, taking in the smell of wet grass and rain, listening to it lightly hit the ground outside and the windowsill. 

"Dream...?" I hear behind me after hearing the floorboards of our old house creak. "Are you okay?" I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder, an indent in the bed behind me and lanky arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. The faint smell of George's cologne and the rain from the open window in front of me find their way to my mind. I smile, wiping the tears from my cheeks, opening my eyes to see 

bars and dingy walls. I sigh thinking to myself. I fucking miss George. I miss his touch, his smell, his hair, smile, hands, face, everything. I miss his voice, but I can't call until tomorrow. I miss Sapnap and the laughter we would share. I miss my friend and my lover. I miss that day because it was so innocent and calming. It was something you would see out of a movie. 

God, I miss George.

God, I miss the rain.

A/N: Sorry this one was super short, but it's a cute and sappy chapter. Big things are about to happen, just hang in there.

i miss the rain // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now