Chapter 7

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Y/n is still sleeping peacefully as if the noises of the council members and how much i talk didn't bother her. After discussing some important matters about the school, i ended the meeting and let the council members leave. I stood up gently carrying her bridal style towards the couch,i let her rest down and caresses her face gently. I asked sayaka to make some tea as i continue to finish all of my paperworks.

It's been 2 hours since y/n slept. I was done with all the paperworks and was ready to get home.It was only me,y/n and ririka inside the room. Ririka made her way towards y/n, she lifts y/n's head placing it on her thighs as she sits on the couch, she runs her fingers on y/n's hair and slowly fell asleep.


The sun was setting, y/n slowly opens her eyes as she gazed at ririka peacefully taking a nap. She got startled and quickly fell at the floor.

"Ara ara~ you took quite a time y/n"

"I-im sorry kirari" she quickly jumped and starts to stretch her arms. "Can we go home?" Kirari asked while putting away her stuff at her bag.


y/n gently tap ririka trying not to startle her. ririka softly yawned while opening her eyes."Lets go home riri!"  Y/n quickly pulled ririka and sprinted out of the room. Ririka's face was flustered as she tries to keep up with y/n, Kirari followed behind after locking the council's doors.

The limo was parked infront of the school waiting for the twins, The driver opened the door letting ririka, y/n and kirari sit inside the car.

"Y/n i need to talk to you later"

"O-oh, can i know what's it about?"

"I'll tell you when we get home"

Kirari exhaled heavily and gave a sign to y/n to sit on her lap. She quickly obeyed and played with kirari's hair, kirari grinned as she stares at y/n's eyes.

The limo pulled into a complete stop infront of the twin's house,kirari took off carrying y/n bridal style towards her room, Upon entering, she threw y/n on her bed playfully.

"Wait here"

She took a brown envelope and gave it to y/n. "Read it, and if you're sure about me,comeback here and sign that contract" y/n stared at the brown envelope and glanced back at kirari. "O-okay kirari" she took the envelope and gave kirari one last peck on the cheeks before leaving the mansion and went straight home.


I hurried home and place the brown envelop on the table. I wonder what could it be? Am i done being her housepet? Is it a lifeplan for me?. I get more and more anxious as i kept on walking back and forth. I quickly slapped my face and tried to shrug my anxiety off. I opened the brown envelop and pulled out some papers. As i read the title i was completely shocked and couldn't speak or move


Between Kirari Momobami, the Dominant and Y/n L/n, the Submissive.

"W-what the fuck is this?"

543 words,sorry if this chapter is short i just want to tease y'all! 😂 It's pretty late here, so I'll try and publish more chapters tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger~
Here's my peace offering for the cliffhanger~

Here's my peace offering for the cliffhanger~

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Kirari with cat ears (◕ᴗ◕✿)

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