The kindest

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The twins look at my father with shocked written over their faces. My father walked over and huged them, "my boys..." I smile at the three of them as I think 'sometimes the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged are the wisest.' The thought made me smile. My family is slowly coming back together. I felt something wet slide down my face. I quickly wiped the tears away before anyone could see. The three walked away from the rest of us, probably to catch up. "Your father seems nice Ashely" Tamaki said as he appeared beside me. I glance up at him, "you really think so? You kind of remind me of him" I said lightly as memories of me being little flood my mind. Tamaki pulls me into a hug then spins me around. "Tamaki senpai you might want to put her down" Haruhi said coming to save me from the 'boss',as my brother call him, hug. Tamaki put me down as my dad walked up to his office. "Wow...." "Just wow" the twins said at the same time causing me to giggle. "You two can be such idiots" I said in between my giggles. Their heads dart in my direction with smirks on their faces. "you shouldn't..." " talking ash." The two stated as they finished each other's sentence. I stopped giggling then looked at them with raised hands. "I know I'm an idiot at times" "Ash-chan do you have cake?" Honey asked as he tugged on my hand. I bent over and pick him up, like I said he's like a little brother, and headed to the kitchen " yes Honey-sempi" Honey smiled as the others followed close behind, more so Mori following close. Once we get to the kitchen I set Honey on the counter then head to the cabinet and open it. "What flavor honey?" I asked as I looked the cake filled cabinet. "Strawberry" I nod and take out the strawberry cake. "Ashely why haven't we seen many maids or butlers?" Tamaki questioned. "We have them they are just see threw" I handed honey the cake then sat beside him. "Really?" Tamaki looked at me with happiness in his eyes. ".........yes Tamaki-sempi. See threw people are real let me go tell the press about this-_-" I heard laugher and smiled once I knew it was my brothers. "Miss Hitachiin I wouldn't be so rude to the king" kyoya said as he pushed up his glasses. "Well Mr. Otori you know as well as the others that the 'king' is an idiot" I smile knowing I won the battle... I hope. Kyoya smiled a little as the room got gloomy. I heard a sigh "Tamaki-sempi will you stop growing mushrooms in Ashely's house?" Haruhi said as she stood be side me as I hoped off the counter."It's fine Haruhi the 'boss' can't handle an insult" I stated with a bored tone. "Really sis?..." " can at..." the twins were about to finish until I cut them off. "At least try to be nice to him. Yeah I know. I get it" I started to walk to the living room. Once I got there I flipped onto the couch. "God I'm boooorrreeeddd" I groaned. "Why don't we have a sleep over?" Tamaki said as they walked in after me. Boy he bounces back up fast. I thought to myself as I nodded "sure I guess we could do that." I got off the couch and looked at Haruhi, "I have clothes that you can borrow as for the guys... Your screwed because I got nothin for ya" I stated as I took Haruhi's hand and led her to my room. "So your hikaru and kaoru's sister for real? What was it like living in America?" I sighed as I opened my closet, "yes Haruhi I'm their sister for real. Last time I checked all three of us came out of the same mom and the same dad helped make us. And America was fun. There's a lot of football and baseball teams. And depending on were you love it can be noisy from cars and things" I stated as I threw her a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "You know when you walked into the club room there seemed like you were hiding something....what was it?" I felt my body tense up. Should I tell her? Or them? Or should I just play it off and hope no one goes snooping? I groaned, "no Haruhi I'm not hiding anything..." Just then my phone started to ring. I picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID. "Yo?" "Ash?" I went wide eyed, "Drake?"
Who's Drake and how does he know our beloved Ashely?
What is she hiding?
Who knows?
OOO wait I do 😈
Sorry for the laaaaattttteeee update. Writer block sucks and schools almost over so that means essays.😫 I'll try to update when I can.

The Forgotten TwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora