Beautiful day

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After I hung up with Leon, I headed to the park to see if there was anything to do. I got there and looked around. "nothing..." I sighed and walked over to the swings and sat down. I started to swing till my phone vibrated. I looked at the message to see it was from Tamaki.
Tamaki: 'where are you? Daddy's worried about you!'
I rolled my eyes. He's an idiot. I replied with 'At the park. And so help me if you come here I will draw a penis on your face when you sleep' he didn't reply back so I smiled. "Good boy" I took out my headphones and listed to the music on my phone. I looked up at the sky and sighed. "It looks like rain...." I got up off the swing
and started to walk home as I hummed From Shadows from RWBY. I opened the house and was hugged tightly, "My daughter is back!!!!" I sighed, even with my music almost blaring out of the headphone, he still is loud as fuck. "Tamaki. Let. Go. Of. Me. Now. Or. A. Penis. Wont. Be. The. Only. Thing. That. Will. Be. Drawn. On. Your. Face." I said with a clenched jaw. He let go and ran to his emo corner causing me to roll my eyes and head to my room. "idiots..." I slammed my door shut not wanting to deal with anyone, not until Leo gets here. I put my headphones back on and played my music trying to block out any sound. I felt my eyes grow heavy as I fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning with something shaking me awake. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to come face to face the the king himself. "Ashely time to wake up" he said with a smile. Out of reflex I threw a pillow at him, "Tamaki get the fuck out of my room" he shrieked, "my little girl is saying bad words!" I sat up and glared at him. "I SAID OUT!" He jumped then ran out shutting the door behind him. "He's an idiot..." I said as I rolled out of bed and walked out to my walk in closet. I grabbed a Spider-Man hoodie, black skinny jeans, a green beanie, and black and green high top converses. I changed into the clothes then walked out and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I heard the hosts whisper as I passed them, but I didn't saying anything to them. I opened the fridge and grab an apple. I took a bite of it as I closed the fridge door with my foot. I walked to the front door but was stopped. "were are...." " going?" My brothers said. "to the mall" I said as I opened the front door then walked out. I heard the door close, knowing damn well they are going to follow me. I sighed as I thought 'I just have to hold out till to night.' I started to walk to the mall, not wanting to take the limo. After about 20 minutes of walking I finally got to the mall. I smiled to myself and walked to hot topic. I smiles and looked around. I grabbed a few superhero shirts and paid for them then left the store. I headed to gamestop to get some Xbox games. I walked into the store and looked at the games. I grabs mortal kombat komplete edition, marvel vs capcom, DC universe gods among us, and DC universe vs mortal kombat then walked to the counter. "Nice games" said the worker, I nodded "yeah they are" I handed him money and grabbed the bag. I walked out and headed to the exit of the mall. I looked at my phone for the time. 7:30 pm, I sighed and walked back home knowing I have to go to the airport to get Leo. I got home and put my bags down in my room then headed to the front door. I walked out and got into a limo that took me too the airport. I got out and told the driver to head home, which he did. I stood there waiting for Leo when hands covered my eyes. "hey Ash" a voice whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I smiled lightly and moved the hands away from my eye. I turned around and hugged the green haired teen. "Leo!" I muttered into his shirt with a smile on my face. He chuckled, "yup. the one and only." I giggled then looked up at him, "we should get back to my house before we catch up" he nodded and let me go. "I'll drive" he said with a smile. I smiles back,"let me guess. Your car got transported over here?" He nodded as we walked outside to a familiar car. He unlocked the door and put his thing in the back seat then opened the passenger side for me. I smiled then got it. He closed the door then walked over to the driver side and got in. "Remember how fast this car goes?" Leo asked smirking. I nodded, "dude you think I forgot how fast Zentornos go? Please I'm not that stupid. Now start the car and lets get home" I stated as he did what I said. We got back to my house by 8:00 pm. He turned off the car and got out, I got out as well. He opened the back seat and handed me one of his bags, which I gladly took. He grabbed the other two then pulled me into a side hug and walked inside. I blushed lightly the whole way there. We got inside and the host's eyes shot over our way causing me to blush even more "Ash? who..." " he?" My brothers asked. "I'm Leon, her friend from the U.S." Leo states plainly then walked up to my room. I went to follow him until my wrist was grabbed. "daddy doesn't want you to go up to your took alone with that boy!" Tamaki shrieked. I flicked his forehead, causing him to let go, then walked to my room. I closed the door behind me and smiled a Leo, who was laying on my bed. I smile then ran on jumped on top of him. He chuckles and wrapped his arms around me, "so what did you need to tell me?" I sighed, "promise you won't get pissed?" He nodded. "he called me....." Leo went quiet as I felt like I wanted to cry. "Leo? Please say something....." Tears started to escape my eyes, he sat up still with his arms around my waists. He removed his left arm then moved his hand to my favs and wiped my tears away. "Ash....please don't cry" I placed my face in his shirt and cried more, I hated what Drake did to me. I heard Leo sigh and felt something on the top of my head. "ash...." He muttered, I now knew that his face was hidden in my hair. I hiccuped then moved away from his shirt and looked at him. "What?" He smiled a little then softly kisses me. I blinked then kissed him back, not wanting to let him go. He putted away and smiles more,"I loooove you" he said as I blushed. He loved me? Holy crap he loves me!!!! "" I whispered. He smiled then looked at the time, "hey do you have an extra room I could stay in?" I shook my head, "the host have all the rooms filled" he nodded, "then I guess it will be like old times? You and I will bunk together" I nodded, "I guess so. now we should let to host get to know you better" he nodded as we both got up off my bed and walked out of my room. Once we got down stair the host started to asks us questions. "How do you know each other?" "How long have you guys been friends?" "Why haven't you told us about him?" I sighed, "guys chill. And sense 1st grade, how we meant isn't important, and why I never told you is because in wasn't your business..." "Really Ash? Loosen up. They are just wondering." Leo said, causing me to sigh. "more like nosey...." I felt I tug on my hand. I looked down at honey and smiled, "Ash-chan can we have dinner?" I nodded then looked at Leo. "want to help me make tacos?" "hell yeah I do" he yelled and ran to the kitchen. I giggled then followed him, trying not to listen to the hosts asking what tacos are. Once I got to the kitchen I handed Leo the ground beef from the fridge then gave him a frying pan. He nodded knowing that I wanted him to fry the meat while I got everything else together. I grabbed out all we need and placed them on the table then walked behind Leo and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Heyo" I giggled until he turned around and kissed my cheek. "hey" he said smirking. I lightly punched him, "Mr. meanie pants is the meat almost done?" He nodded "yup so go get the others" "but why? I want to stay here with you" I smiled as he looked away with a light blush on his face. "fine.....but I don't want to hear them crying and yelling at you for not telling them food done." I sighed "fine I'll tell them l" I slowly walked to the living room, "foods done" their heads snapped to me as they walked to the kitchen to get food. I followed them and sat down beside Leo and made my tacos then started to eat. After we all were done I took the dishes to the sink as the hosts went to bed. "hey need help cleaning up?" Leo asked as I nodded. "you can dry while I wash." He nodded and we started to do the dishes. after about 20 minutes we walked to my room to go to sleep. "I'm going to go change in my closet you can get changed here ok?" I asked him. "ok" he smiled as I walked to my closet and changed to my pjs. Once I was changed I made sure he was done getting changed. "Leo can I come out?" "Yeah" I walked out of the closet and looked at him blushing. Holy shit he's not wearing a shirt!!!!!!! I mentally fangirl scream but blink as I realize something on his chest. "Ummmmmm Leo? What's on your chest?" He chuckled then kissed my head, "don't worry about it. Ok? Let's just get some sleep" he said as he pulled me down on the bed the lays beside me. I blushed again the cuddled close to him, "fine" he smiled as he pulled the covers over us and turned off the lights. I yawned then fell asleep smiling as he wrapped his arms around my protectively. "Night ash. sweet dreams." he whispered. "night Leo. I love you" I smiled to myself. "I love you more." he said as he yawned, causing me to giggle. "i think we both should get some sleep" he nodded and we both fell asleep in a flash.
(/^•^)/ \(^•^\) there you go my lovely readers. I updated finally \(^•^)/

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