My bitch of a mother

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I followed my brothers to their house. "Here we are" Hikaru said as I looked at it. "Holy shit this is a huge house!" I almost yelled. "Well of course it huge Ash what do you expect?" Kaoru asked me. "I don't know a normal houses!" The twins walk in. "Wait here..." "So we can tell mom that your here"twins said at the same time. "Ok" I mumble to myself hoping that they don't hear me. They walk inside and I'm left alone. I look around to see a gecko((the pic is my gecko but for the book he is Ash's)) "hi buddy" I bend down and pick it up. "Ash??" "Where are you?" "IM OUT BACK!!" I yell to them as they come running to me. "What..." "Is that?" "Well Hikaru and Kaoru this is a gecko" I hold the gecko up to them so they see him. "It's....." "Cute?" "Yup. So does mom know that I'm here?" "Yes." "She wants to see you" I nod my head as the twins head inside. "Ashely? Is that you?" "Not is a drunk unicorn that came to you house to rape you -_-" "Ashely be nice.." "to mom" "fine... Yes mom it's me" "it's bin so long. How are you? How is your dad?" "I'm fine mom and so is dad" I walk into the living room and flop down on the couch head first. "Hikaru and Kaoru can I go home now?" "Don't you want..." "To hang out with us?" "Nope" I look at my hand forget about the gecko. "I think I will call you Flare" I smile and pet flare's head. "What does she have?" "Mom she has..." "A gecko with her" "ASHELY get that gecko out of here!!" "No mom your not the boss of me. Last time I fucking checked you never wanted me" I get up crying as I run out the door and all the way to my house. I ran up the stairs and into my room. "This is why I didn't want to see that bitch". Flare looks at me. "Sorry Flare I didn't mean to scare you." I look around for a tank to hold him in. "Victory!!!" I finally found a tank for Flare. I carefully place Flare in the tank. He looks at me and looks around. "What's wrong boy?" I look in the tank to see what could be wrong and I realize that he has nothing to hide in or under. "Hmmm I'll go find you a rock to hide in" with that I walk out of my room, walk out do my house and to the pet store close by.

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