To the Beach. Part 2

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I woke up a few hours after I fell asleep. I sat up and stretched. I looked out the window and looked at the sun that was slowly setting and the waves crashing into the shore. I smiled and got out bed and put my bag on the bed. I opened it and pulled out a bathing suit. I quickly locked the bedroom door and got changed. I slipped a hoodie over my bathing suit and walked out of the room. "Time to find a pool..." I mumbled as I walked through the hall for the third time today. I looked around once I got to, what looked like, a living room. "Okay so how the hell do I find yhe pool....wait...why don't I just go to the beach?" I asked myself not giving a shit if I sounded like a crazy person. I nodded in agreement to myself before running back to my room to grab a few things; phone, sunglasses, towel, and sunscreen; and shoved them into a bag before putting on flip flops and a hoodie. I walked out of my room and headed to the front door,I hoped. I smiled once I found the front door. I opened the door and walked out, wincing at the bright light I reached into the bag and put on my sunglasses. "Damn sun...." I growled as I headed to the beach. I pulled out my phone and stared to text.

Me: Leo...kill me. The idiots dragged my ass to the beach.

I sent the message before I got to the sand. I took off my flip flops and went to find a place to put my things when I felt my phone buzz in my hand.

Leo: send my the location and I'll be there in a few ;3

I giggled at the message before sending him the address. I opened up my towel and sat down on it. I pulled off my hoodie and shoved it in the bag. I laid down on the towel and stared up at the sky.

About a hour or so passed as the men would whistle and try to get my attention as they walked past me. I rolled my eyes, "damn Pervy ass dicks need to keep it in their pants." I grumbled.
"Even me babe?" Leo asked as he sat on the towel.
I jumped, because he scared the shit out of me. I sat up and glared at him before slapping his bare chest. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack you dick." I said.
Leo chuckled and pulled me onto his lap causing me to blush. "You love me." Leo said.
I rolled my eyes and got off his lap, "idiot..." I mumbled as I put my hoodie back on because guy were starting to stare at me. "Can we go back to the house?" I asked as I stood up.
Leo nodded and stood up as well before he packed up towel and put it in the bag. He slung the bag over his shoulder and took my hand in his. I smiled and started to drag him back.

Once we got back I pulled him back inside. There stood the hosts wearing bathing suits. "Hey Ashely. Where were you?" Haruhi asked before looking at Leo. "Hey Leo." She said with a smile.
"I was at the beach...with Leo." I told her.
"Boo....all of us were going to go to the beach." My brothers said.
"Ashely as your father I order for you to come with us to the beach." Tamaki said.
I sighed and ran my free hand through my hair, "fine..." I grumbled. Leo chuckled and opened the door before looking down at me. I smirked and climbed onto his back, "onward horsey to the beach." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. Him and the others, minus one (*cough cough* Kyoya *cough cough) laughed. Leo nodded and started to walk back the direction we just came from with the hosts following. I placed my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck, "I love you Leo..." I whispered into his ear. Leo smiled, "I love you too Ashely." He whispered back making my heart skip a beat. This idiot is making me fall even harder for him.

I climbed off Leo's back once we got to the sand and quickly removed my sunglasses and hoodie before setting them on the ground. I grabbed Leo's hand and pulled him into the cool ocean water. "Holy shit the water is fucking cold!" He yelled causing me to laugh, "pansies ass." I told him.

~time skip~

It was night fall when we got back. I went to my room to shower and Leo followed me to my room like a lost puppy. Once inside he out he bag down, something I didn't notice he had until now, on the bed and pulled clothes out of it. I grabbed my clothes before running to shower. I locked the door behind me once in the bathroom. I got out of the wet bathing suit and turned the water on before getting in.

I was done showering with 10 minutes. I turned the water idc and got out before drying off and putting my clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom and over to the lump on the bed. I giggled and climbed under the covers, "night Leo." I whisper.
"Night babe." Leo mumbled as he slung an arm around me before we both fell asleep.

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