To the Beach. Part 1

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I smiled once Leo and I got home from the dance. I ran to my room and closed the room. I took my shoes off then my dress and changed into my pjs before climbing into bed. "Tomorrow is a new day." I said to myself before falling asleep.

Morning came as fast as night fell. My alarm rang causing me to groan and open my eyes. I turned off my alarm and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed clothes out before I dragged my tired self to the bathroom for a shower. I took my clothes off and took a quick shower. I soon finished my shower and got out. I turned the water off and dried off before putting on my clothes. "Thank god it's the fucking weekend." I mumbled to myself as put my clothes on and opened my bedroom door. Before I knew something was over my head and I was being picked up. Panic washed over me as the person threw me into a car,I hope, causing me to groan. "Damn..." I said as the thing was taken off and I came face to face with my brothers and the host club, "what hell!" I yelled. "Chill Ash...they took me too." Haruhi said. I took a deep breath before sighing, "why the hell am I here?" I asked. "We're going to the beach." My brothers said. I sighed before mumbling, "great..."

It's felt like hours before we got to the beach. The limo pulled into a mansion's driveway. My eyes widened as the limo stopped. I got out and quickly ran inside, "holy shit!" I yelled. I was in aww as I wondered through the mansion. I opened a random door and walked into the room. I laid my bag on the floor before climbing into the king size bed, "comfy...." I mumbled under my breath as my eyes grew heavy. I soon drifted off to sleep in to be woken up a few minutes later as the closing of the door could be heard.
"Ashely...." A voice said causing my body to tense.
"What Kyoya?" My voice muffled by the covers I had my face in.
"This is my room..." He said before he sat on the bed, "of course you can stay here with me if you want." He said.
My eyes widened as his words sunk in, in a flash the covers where off my body and I was standing up, " know I'm dating Leo right?" I asked.
Kyoya chuckled, "listen to me Ashely...when I see something I want, I won't stop until I have it. And what I want is you." He said.
I went quiet before I swiftly picked my bag up and walked out of the room. It felt like my heart was going to explode. For what reason? I don't know. Than it hit me. I might have feelings for Kyoya. I groaned, "but what about Leo? I can't break up with him..." I mumbled as I walked through the halls once again. I opened another door and sighed seeing no one there. I walk in and closed the door behind me and threw my bag on the floor and climbed under the covers. "Why does Kyoya have to like me? Out of all the girls in the school...why me?" I asked myself before falling asleep with the covers closely around me.

Sorry for the late and short update. I'm also sorry for all the parts of a chapter. But anyways.

Drama is starting to happen. Our poor Ashely is confused because of her feelings. Will she stay with Leo or break up with him and got for Kyoya?

Let me know what you guys think. Should Ashely and Leo stay a thing or should Ashely and Kyoya start?

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