The Dance. Part 1

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It was the day of the ball or dance or whatever you want to call it. I hardly slept last night. One could say i was nervous but that would be a step up from how I felt. It felt like there was a knot in my stomach. I tried pacing back and forth around my room in hopes to calm down. It helped a little. I sighed quietly, "calm down've been to dances before with Leon...nothing's different." I mumbled as I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked crappy to at the least. My hair was a mess and I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I groaned quietly as I walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room and brushed my hair. "Hmm...the color is started to fade from my what color now?" I asked myself as my hair was now brushed. I smiled slightly and walked out of the bathroom and my room. I headed down the stairs when I heard identical voices calling my name, "Ashely." My brothers said as they hugged me from behind. "What do you two need? And let me go. I neeeeeed coffee...." I mumbled to them. They let me go only to drag me to the kitchen. Then a thought hit me, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE!" I yelled. The twins looked at each other then to me, "dad let us in" they said casually. I cursed my old man under my breath as I grabbed a bowl for cereal, "why are you guys here?" I asked them. They smiled, "mom made dresses for you to try on for tonight" they said together. I shook my head as I poured cereal and milk into the bowl. "Leo is going with me later on today to get a dress." I said as someone walked into the kitchen. "What the hell am I doing?" Leo asked as he stood in the door frame with only his boxers on. I looked at him and blushed, "you're going shopping with me for a dress...." I mumbled. Leo sighed then nodded, "fine." He said. My brother stared at Leo, "why aren't you wearing any clothes?" They asked. Leo chuckled, "I am wearing clothes. Boxer to be exact." He said, "hey ash can I use the shower here?" He asked me. I nodded my head and began to eat, "sure." I mumbled.

Time skip
~dress shopping~

I groaned as I tried on, what felt like my 30th dress. I looked in the mirror and nodded. "Perfect..." I mumbled before walking out to see what Leo thinks. Leo looked at me and smiled, "dark red is perfect on you." He said. I smiled, "thank you." I said before I walked back into the changing room to change back into my clothes. I finished changing and walked back out with the dress in my hands. "Let's go pay." I said as we went to pay. I handed the worker the dress and paid. I thanked her as she gave me the bag. I grabbed the bag and Leon's hand and dragged him out. "Okay now I need to get hair dye...oh and you should go back to your natural color Leo." I said. Leo chuckled, "fine. But you have to help me dye my hair than I'll help you dye your hair." He said. I nodded as we walked into a store and looked around. "Hey Leo. What color should I go?" I asked. "Black and red." Leo said. I nodded and grabbed the red and black hair dye along with blonde. I walked to the counter and paid. I grabbed the bag and walked out of the store. Leo followed behind me, "what time is the dance thing?" He asked. "7 o'clock" I said as we walked inside my house. He headed to the bathroom to get things ready for us to dye our hair while I went to put my dress on my bed. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom and looked at Leo. "I'll dye yours first." I told him. Leo sighed than nodded as he pulled his shirt off so no dye would get on it. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub. I smiled and took out the blonde dye and gloves. I put the gloves on and mixed the dye up before turning to face Leo, "you sure about this?" I asked him, "because you know there no turning back." Leo nodded, "I'm sure and if we both know the green will just became lighter because of the blonde." He told me. I nodded and started to dye his hair, "yup." was all I said while I did his hair. It took about 1 hour to bleach, dye, and wash out Leo's hair. I smiled and looked at him, "nice." I told him. Leo smiled, "your turn. Do you want red hair with black tips or black hair with red tips?" He asked. "Black hair red tips." I told him as I took my shirt off so I was only wearing a tank top. I sat down on the tub's edge and waited for Leon to dye my hair. I shivered as the cold dye hit my skin. "Sorry." Leo mumbled as he continued to dye my hair. "It's fine." I mumbled. It took about a hour and a half for Leo to finish my hair along with washing the dye out. I smiled and dried my wet hair. "Thanks Leo." I told him before I let go of my towel to hug him. He smiled and hugged me back, "you're welcome now go get ready. The dance is about started in a hour." He told me as he walked to the guest room to get ready himself. I nodded and walked to my room. I locked the door and took off my clothes before slipping into the dress. I sighed as I tried to zip it up but failed, "damnit." I said before grabbing my black converse high tops. I put my shoes on and stood up. I unlocked my door and walked out. "Hey kiddo need help zipping up your dress?" My father said from behind me. I turned around and looked at him, "yes and thank you dad." I told him. He smiled and made me turn around. His zipped up the dress and kissed the top of my head, "be careful okay Ashely." He said. I nodded, "I will. Remember I have Leon and he won't let anything happen to me." I told my father. He nodded and looked at Leo who came out of the guest room, "treat her with care Leon." He told him. Leon nodded, "I will Sir. You ready to go Ash?" He asked me. I nodded and took his hand. I waved goodbye to my father before Leon and I walked out of the house. I shivered at the cold air. Leon frowned and took the jacket off that he was wearing with his suit and placed it around my shoulders. He smiled as he unlocked his car and opened the passenger seat, "after you." He told me. I smiled and got in the car, "thanks." I said softly. He nodded and closes the door before getting in the driver's seat. He started the car and headed to the academy.

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