
580 53 14

Monday 24 October 2016


"Alright Tony, let's do this." I march past my assistants desk into the sanctuary of my office.

The day hasn't even started but I feel its burden in the weight of my shoulders. My body is taut in fight mode as I've prepared myself for the onslaught. Luckily, having an assistant meant calls were fielded and I only dealt with what I needed to.

Tony knew the drill, I've been in the press before, except I'm usually telling the story and not being the subject of it.

"Ok, who've we got." I look up at him as he walks in - a mauve chino tight against his meaty thigh

My assistant is an odd mix of buff but never-been-to-the-gym. He's...chunky. His gut always slightly protruding the belt but covered by a blue button down.

"Before we start," he begins notepad dangling in his left hand.

"I just wanted to pledge my allegiance to you boss. And make it absolutely clear that I'll take your secret to the grave with me. Prah-mise."

Having been witness to Abigail and I at my father's funeral, I knew he was the only other person who had figured out who the tapes mystery woman was. I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

"Thanks Tony. So -who's ego do I have to stroke today to keep my job."


"Insipid loggerhead." I mumble at the phone where the Governor was just on the line. We'd decided to skip the mayor entirely, I only had the will to stomach one dressing down today.

For the most part the calls have been supportive. Maybe I had more friends in DC then I thought or maybe everyone knew they were one slip up away from being me.

The phone rings again and my paranoia wonders if the Governor hadn't dropped the line before I'd cursed him.


"There's an Andy Bates to see you."

My body automatically moves from its resting position and back to alert.

"Send him through."

Oh what a difference a stellar election debate performance can make on a murderer. The man walks into the office like a rejuvenated rose garden, preening at his awesomeness.

"Ah Liz." He announces loudly, not bothering to knock. Just parading into my office stuffing his ego in there with him. Unbuttoning his jacket, he pompously sweeps into the chair, leans all the way back into it crossing his legs.

"Andy. -Have a seat." I say dryly.

"Ahhhh hahahaha." He acknowledges the dig and points at me winking. He relaxes even more comfortably with a sigh and briefly looks around.

"Nice place you got here. Very - -stately."

The compliment is dragged from the depths of his gut and I can tell it hurts him. Andy seemed more like the corner office type. Mini bar in the cabinets; the space between his desk and the door being able to fit a whole train cart; glass views of the city - that type of guy.

"What do you want Andrew?"

His pugdy cheeks squeeze into a fake smile, the one that only white people can do.

"I am here - Elizabeth, to offer my services." He adjusts the lay of his tie but smoothing it down. "For a fee of course." The smile again.

I am entirely bored by his preposition and have no need for a PR spin on an illegally obtained sex tape that showed nothing except that I was a woman who had sex.

A Dangerous Affair: secrets (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin